Anne2Snakie's Erotic Snake Swallowings

Women Swallowed Alive By Snakes

I Have Been So Fucking Horny Lately

it’s ridiculous. Yesterday I literally could not keep my hands off myself- I must have spent at least two hours, spread throughout the day, where I did nothing but lay on my bed and play with my cunt, orgasm after orgasm. Seven times I had to run to the bedroom and give my clit hell for a time 😉 I dunno why my cunt just WOKE UP yesterday and started demanding all the attention I hadn’t been giving it the last 6 months. But wow. Massive bloodflow to my genitalia- my vulva was flushed all day.  I think I sorta know why guys seem to lose concentration when aroused and hard- all the blood down there, none for the brain. Well, when I would start a-tingling downstairs I lost the ability to think of anything but hungry serpents, woman-stuffed bellies, and being tucked into a tight stomach myself. Afterward I could begin thinking again, still breathing hard.

Not quite that horny today, but my pussy is still purring down there, quietly, just letting me know it’s awake 🙂


September 14, 2014 Posted by | Cunts, I Like The Word 'Cunt', I Masturbated, I Want To Be Swallowed Whole & Alive, Masturbation, My Cunt, Our Amazing Universe, Random Sex Talk, Sexually excited, Snakes Eating Women, Things Aren't So Bad After All, Weekend Post, Where I be at | 6 Comments

Captain Isoula Delmakkie Walked Down The Clean

Captain Isoula Delmakkie walked down the clean white corridor, hip joints creaking and snapping. Damned legs- they’d never worked right. Even now she still had to get them adjusted every month or they’d break down entirely. They’d been a waste of money, a waste of effort. Sure, the solid metal legs looked good (damned good she thought, remembering how she’d looked this morning after locking the legs on, body still sweaty from a night’s hard fucking- damned sexy). But reliability was a requirement as well and these damned things had been anything but.

She tapped the colored circle, about the size of a dinner plate, on the sick bay door and waited for it to slide to the side. When it did so, she walked in and smiled when she saw Dr. Helm.

Dr. Helm was actually one of the approximately 20 xenomorphs on board, complementing the other 80 human crew that ran the space craft. He was of a vaguely insectile race, six legged with a thick abdomen on one end of his thorax and his head on the other. Inside his largely transparent abdomen was the body of a woman in a fetal position. She was slowly coming apart inside his stomach, being digested alive even as Delmakkie watched. Dr. Helm must have swallowed her during an examination earlier today. He was a meat eater; his entire species was the same. On his home planet, Dr. Helm would have spent his days in learning and swallowing whole and digesting alive any of the meat animals that littered his planet. In a weird case of parallel evolution most of the meat animals that lived on his home planet looked, acted, sounded, reacted to pain, and had built a galaxy spanning space empire, as a normal slightly confused nude human woman. After those nude women had uplifted Dr. Helm’s species from mindless insect to extremely intelligent, ethical and moral sentient beings, the insect race had then quickly swallowed whole and digested alive a good ninety nine point nine nine percent of the women within two years.

The woman he was digesting alive Delmakkie recognized as Fran Chalker, in engineering. For a brief moment that lasted the rest of her life, Delmakkie was bitterly jealous of the woman in Dr. Helm’s belly. “Fucking cunt,” she thought to herself. “She probably came in here waving her cunt in front of the doc’s face, shaking her tits at him. She had probably taken off all of her clothing, lain back on the table and spread her legs, holding open her vulva with both hands.” Delmakkie had seen Chalker’s cunt before, knew that the doc would have trouble resisting that cunt. Hell, Delmakkie hadn’t been able to resist that cunt either- she had spent hours, days, and once an entire week, with her face in that cunt. Feeling the thick hot wet lips on either side of her face, feeling the hard clit on her forehead and that gaping tunnel of a birth canal trying so hard so swallow her head. Once it had swallowed her head- Delmakkie had spent almost an entire weekend with the tight ring of cunt around her neck and her head inside Chalker’s uterus. Good times.

“Then,” Delmakkie continued talking to herself as she masturbated on the examination table, legs spread and one hand working her clit, the other hand down at the wet hole as Dr. Helm positioned her on the table, taking a place at her head and gaping his mouth and throat wide. “I bet she grabbed the doc with her cunt lips and swallowed him with it. Probably held him in there for an hour or two in her uterus.” She knew that there were some people that, given a chance and an opportunity, if they could climb into and up some woman’s cunt they would be content to just slide up inside the wet fragrant tunnel of her vagina and be happy with it. Not Delmakkie. If she want going to climb into another woman’s cunt, she wanted to be in the uterus.

Once and only once, Delmakkie had accidentally swallowed her lover with her cunt- the woman was on top of her and they were 69ing- Delmakkie hadn’t realized how wide she was spreading her legs as the woman licked and sucked her clit, but she suddenly lost her grip and the woman had slid wetly down her body and into her cunt- vanishing inside of her. She had been astonished, staring down at the two feet that were sticking out of her gaping cunt, lips wrapped tight around the ankles. It was more amazing that the woman her cunt had swallowed was taller than she was, wider, weighed more, had just absolutely immense fucking tits (and those tits were meant for fucking, even more than they were for the production of milk- the universe is funny that way. Delmakkie had no idea how many men had fucked those tits, came on them (just emptied their balls entirely), then moved on for the next man in line; one weekend she had watched over 2,000 men fuck her tits in a three hour period. The children’s pool  she was laying back in was completely full, just her semen-soaked tits floating on a sea of cum)– must have been three or four times larger than basketballs, each- and on her home planet she was considered flat as a board, no breasts at all. A woman with small breasts could only walk with the assistance of others and some form of platforms to support her breasts; a woman with medium breasts could not live in an urban area- her breasts took up too many city blocks each; finally, there were only 2 women on her planet with what were considered ‘large’ breasts. Too many square hundreds of miles of farmland were lost to each breast for each continent to support more. That had been almost ten years ago and Delmakkie had only just last week taken the woman out of her cunt. She was all wrinkly and pruney from being inside Delmakkie’s perpetually wet, hungry cunt but otherwise happy and somewhat disappointed that Delmakkie had taken her from Delmakkie’s cunt.

Delmakkie reached a finger up her cunt, an inch or two, before tickling the sole of the woman’s foot… she had taken mercy on the wet, cunty-smelling, cunty-tasting woman and had quickly cunt-swallowed her again, this time so far up her hungry cunt there was no trace of her left in the world- she was just a pleasantly large, very filling dildo she never removed from her cunt and nothing more. Now, if she could only figure out how to digest people with her cunt Delmakkie would be a truly happy woman.

“Doc,” she yelled, trying to be heard from deep inside the cavern of Dr. Helm’s throat. His mouth had just slid down her body past her gigantic tits and was nearing her belly button. “These damned legs again. Sorry I bought them.”

As the doc’s lower jaw slid under her buttocks she lifted her hips to make it easier to get her ass into his mouth, throat, belly. Of course, each of her breasts was larger than her hips and buttocks but the doc had gotten around those flesh pillows easily.

“I’m getting tired of fighting with them, doc,” she said, the light around her getting dimmer as more and more of her slid down the doc’s throat. Soon she could feel only her metal feet outside the doc’s mouth, the rest of her held tightly in his clutching, swallowing throat. It was only when she found herself drenched in acids and tucked into the stomach with the other half digested woman that she realized she had made a terrible, terrible error. “Shit,” she thought. “I should have unhooked my legs first.”


9/14 edited paragraphs so I could use the word ‘cunt’ more often 🙂

9/16 New edits, done in red so you can see changes. New changes on other days, other colors.


September 13, 2014 Posted by | Another Late Post, Boobs, Cunt Licking, Cunts, Friday's Post, Gigantic Tits, Hungry Cunts Swallowing Women, I Want To Be Swallowed Whole & Alive, Makes Me Horny, Masturbation, Monday's Update, My Fiction, Sex, Sexually excited, Wednesday's update, Weekend Post | 8 Comments

I HATE It When WordPress Does That To Me!

I’ll try to log in but the password, for whatever reason, suddenly doesn’t work. So I’ll send for the reset link. I change my password, the system likes the change and saves it…  Then I can’t log IN using the new (or any) password for a few WEEKS.

Not my fault! But I still feel bad because I want to talk to my friends (that’s you!) and none of you know WHY my blackout continues…

Well though, I will tell you this (and it’s personal, so don’t tell anyone else, ok?): I have been having quite a few orgasms lately 😉 Watching myself, in the theatre of my mind, as I am wrapped, slowly swallowed whole and alive, and am just an Anne shaped lump inside the satisfied, no longer hungry snake. Oooh! Tingle (actually, I can feel myself getting turned on- haven’t felt like this in- 6, 7 months? Since Rudy came home on hospice and instead of lasting 3 to 6 months only lasted a week and change. God still owes me an accounting)!

Yes, a cock in me would be wonderful, thank you for asking! 🙂 But then, I feel like that ALL the time 😉 Right now, were I riding a guy cowgirl with a 2nd guy standing in front of me and bucking his hips as he uses my mouth and throat as his own personal pussy, the way I feel I’d probably just smile happily around the cock down my throat as a 3rd fellow pierced my anus with his thick 9″ cock. And I wouldn’t let ANY of them stop until they each came at LEAST twice in me 🙂

Dunno how long this feeling will last, but right now my entire body sorta feels like an engorged clit.

Stories soon- sooner if I keep feeling this way, not so sooner if I have to go back to looking curiously at my cunt and wondering what I used to use THAT for.


September 7, 2014 Posted by | Another Late Post, Cunts, Friday's Post, I Want To Be Swallowed Whole & Alive, Monday's Update, My Cunt, My Fiction, Penis Sucking, Random Sex Talk, Sex, Sexually excited, Story Talk, Things Aren't So Bad After All, Wednesday's update, Weekend Post | 5 Comments

Man! Alive Again!

About 3 weeks ago my desktop died, boot.mgr missing error in windows. Yay, Trying to fix. Anyways, about 2 weeks ago my LAPTOP died! ARGH! Down to using just a tablet since and unlike a lot of people I am not great at using them. Very isolated since I was limited to just Real Life. Weird feeling, too. Meatspace only = limited, confined, trapped feeling. Meatspace+cyberspace = relaxed, more open feeling.

With some of my some of my smokable meds I been feeling that special place atween my thighs waking up, thinking of dancing 🙂  So soon, my friends, I can tell you that stories WILL be coming SOON!

Woo woo 🙂


August 10, 2014 Posted by | Another Late Post, Friday's Post, Generalized Rambling, I Want To Be Swallowed Whole & Alive, Monday's Update, Mourning, My Cunt, My Husband Died, Story Talk, Wednesday's update, Weekend Post | 6 Comments

Wow. My Sincere Apologies. I Do That A Lot.

Time gets slides right around me and I don’t even realize it is happening. If I had realized that my last post was the 18th of last month, I would have posted a lot more. I so sorry.

I am finding it a trifle hard to come to grips with my husband being gone. My sleep is destroyed, my days are terrible, and my nights are worse. I AM slowly slowly slowly getting over his loss but my God. It’s so hard.

I am trying to write. Got ideas. Been working on them. Been trying to remember to come online as well! I have my kids over a lot after school and sometimes until almost 8:30 pm near daily so that is good but it means that by the time I even think of coming online most of y’all have gone to bed.

So there is that.

Still sober tho!

So there is THAT.

Well, wanted to let everyone know that I ain’t dead. Unlike my husband who currently resides in crunchy form in a plastic bag, in a box, in our bedroom.

See you all WAY sooner WITH a story no less!



May 7, 2014 Posted by | Another Late Post, Clinical Fucking Depression, Friday's Post, I Feel Nothing, Low Self Esteem, Monday's Update, Wednesday's update, Weekend Post | 8 Comments

Tole Ja I Would Quit

And I did. I drank for 30 days, to get me through the worst of the pain of Rudy passing and then quit. I have again been sober forthe past week. I won’t say nanny nanny boo boo because drinking is ALWAYS a danger, especially in my case, since I had almost 12 years sobriety I was putting at risk.

But I am back on the wagon and going to stay that way. Going to stay that way.

My appo pollies to everyone who has emailed me at either of my addys, either anne2snakie  or anne.franke. I haven’t been to either of them in the past 30 days because I just haven;t been able to deal with life at all. But! I am officially Back On Track. Alive, glad to be that way. Only bursting into sudden tears about 3 or 4 times a day instead of just crying all day.

I have Rudy’s ashes in a box in my bedroom.

Stories will begin again very soon. I have had ideas, even though my pussy has been SO numb that I think it is just plain DEAD now instead of numb.



April 17, 2014 Posted by | Another Late Post, Bloviation, Friday's Post, Monday's Update, My Husband Died, Wednesday's update, Weekend Post | 5 Comments

We Have Had The Service

and now I am alone in the house that Rudy and I shared, along with our 18 yr old. He has moved out, gone out of state. Leaving me REALLY alone in the house that Rudy and I shared. Rudy occupies a thick transparent bag inside a sturdy plastic box; he’s all hard and crunchy now, like 2 heaping cups of ashes.

I am going to Grief Counseling, which is, twice monthly meetings of others who have lost spouses. Twice a month, maybe 2 hours each time.

Oh yeah, that should do the trick for me.


March 31, 2014 Posted by | Another Late Post, Being A Miserable Cunt, Bleakest Despair, Clinical Fucking Depression, Friday's Post, Monday's Update, My Husband Died, Wednesday's update, Weekend Post | 3 Comments

The Love Of My Life, The Only Man I Have Ever Truly Loved

passed away on Tuesday night. The docs had given him near 6 months to live but it took about 9 days total.

I got nowhere near the time with my Willem, my Rudy, that I wanted and needed. Right now I am not dealing with his death to deal with his death. How am I not dealing with his death?

I am numb.

How am I getting numb enough to not deal with my husband’s death? How am I getting numb enough that the death of my husband does not kill me too?

I think you know.

Mike’s Hard Lemonade (in it’s various flavors) is an amazing alcoholic drink. 4% alcohol. 12 oz can or bottle slammed in 45 seconds or less takes effect VERY quickly. Periodically, I have excused myself from where everyone is because I am starting to feel and I can’t have THAT, gone to my bedroom, slammed a Mike’s and headed back.

No one has said anything, no one has hinted anything, so I believe that so far no one but me knows. And people would ask me- Robbie is here and he caught me the last time I was drinking by the physical evidence I left behind (I leave NO evidence anymore- very sneaky bitch) and he hates it if I drink; Rudy’s parents are here and while the mom likes me the dad HATES me- either of them would say something because neither of them drink and they know that I can’t drink because of my alcoholism; my sister-in-law and husband live across the street with my kids and THEY would say something, as well as my two youngest if they knew.

No one has said a thing.

I had to drink a 6 pack of Mike’s during the entire day today- one in the morning, one around brunch, one around lunch, in the afternoon, late evening, one after dinner. I am continuing to drink as the night rolls. I have been drinking since… Monday or Tuesday night.

This alcohol leaves no hangover, doesn’t taste horrible, doesn’t make me act the way I do on all the other alcohols.

Mike’s is VERY DANGEROUS because of this.

I dunno when I can post again because I feel like I am dying inside. I’ll post when I am drunk enough to not feel anything.

March 20, 2014 Posted by | Another Late Post, Bleakest Despair, Clinical Fucking Depression, Drinking When I Should Be SOber, Drunk Enough To Be Numb, Friday's Post, I Feel Nothing, Monday's Update, Mourning, My Husband Died, The Universe Hates Me, Wednesday's update, Weekend Post, Where I be at, Whining | 13 Comments

I Wish

I had more time and had a better outlook on things. So far I have been spending 20 out of 24 hours of each day taking care of my dying husband.

Before we got married, he told me that he might need a valve replacement at some point in the future but it would be nothing to worry about.

Just after the birth of Josh, our youngest, his heart went and the rest of his systems quickly fell apart as well. He had 2 heart valves replaced and we learned his heart is just  a mass of scar tissue.

That was 2004. In 2006 they told him he would be lucky to live 5 years but Willem has always been a fighter. Enough shit has gone down between 2004 and 2014 that it would have killed twenty five other men. In a row.

But like he has told me in his weak moments that shame him so much, it’s just too hard to fight any more.

And so my Willem, the only man I have ever truly loved, is going away to leave me alone for the rest of my life.

Until that time however, I have to make sure he is comfortable, takes his meds when comfortable, give him an IV injection complete with computerized pump, give him pain meds to keep him comfortable, check and clean his catheter, set him on the commode when he feels the urge to “go”, feed him, keep his hospital bed sheets clean and comfortable, and then at the end of the day, try to going to our big empty bed and sleep for an hour or two before I get up and start it all again.

Amazingly, I have been working on vore stories in my head lately during all this 🙂  My pussy is pretty much dead right now, pleasure wise, but my clitoris has been asking for some attention lately and I can’t let the poor dear suffer 😉  I’ll have something for y’all pretty soon, dunno if it’s anything that y’all are expecting however.

Well, other than some poor chick sliding through a gaping serpent maw, then down a slick serpent throat until she is tucked tight in a hot, wet, serpent stomach to be digested alive…

Oooh, I feel a tingle! 😉


March 15, 2014 Posted by | Bleakest Despair, Clinical Fucking Depression, Cunts, Drinking When I Should Be SOber, Friday's Post, Generalized Rambling, Husband's Illness, I Want To Be Swallowed Whole & Alive, Low Self Esteem, Makes Me Horny, Monday's Update, Mourning, My Cunt, My Fiction, Snakes Eating Women, Terribly Worried, Wednesday's update, Weekend Post, Where I be at, Whining | 4 Comments

The Spiral Is Whirling Quickly Now

Rudy got out of the hospital last week. On a late Friday night. Took forever to get out as the residents at the hospital kept giving conflicting discharge orders and the nurses (one of which could barely speak English- she was Asian, probably Japanese as her name was Hiroko) had to keep running back and forth to get things figured out. Later that night we had to ignore one of the orders as it was to stop taking his potassium supplement (!) and he started feeling low potassium symptoms within hours. Sigh.

Ennyways, on Sunday afternoon we headed to a hotel so that on Monday morning Rudy could start heading to his appointments at one of the hospitals in Seattle. To see about the possibility of getting into the waiting list for heart/lung transplants. None of us figured he had much of a chance, but any chance is better than no chance.

Any hope is better than no hope.

Robbie and Rudy and I stayed the night in a hotel. It was very nice and very low cost, thank Glob. (Bloody keyboard is acting up, sorta- not registering some key strokes. Sigh.) Rudy didn’t sleep much as it was a flat bed (we have an adjustable bed at home and the head of the bed is always up at least 15 degrees) and while we brought a bunch of pillows, it’s not the same as the actual head of the bed being up.

Next morning we headed in with Rudy in his wheelchair and Robbie pushing it. Robbie turned 18 last month which is good and bad- bad as when (if!) he graduates high school we stop getting disability supplement for him which means we get $600 LESS each month from that point. *POOF* goes the house as we no longer will be able to make the house payments…

Ennyways. When Rudy was discharged, his legs were very thick, very filled with fluid. Can’t remember the word I am looking for, grrrr my aging brain. By the time we were going to his appointments on Monday morning, his feet had become great fleshy meat pumpkins and his legs were shiny the skin was so stretched. So after a few hours of seeing docs, guess what happened next?

Sigh. My husband, the only man I have ever loved in my entire life, the love of my life, was admitted to the hospital. So far away from our home- I haven’t been able to see him since Tuesday when I had to leave to come home and take care of the house and our dogs and our cats (sadly, the hamster died a month or two ago- little bastards tend to do that).

I fear his death spiral is whirling quickly now, the whirlpool of his life spinning and whirring and at the bottom the black hole where it all leads. I am terrified he may never come home or if he does, he’ll come back on hospice and die at home instead.

If he does die soon, or if he comes home on hospice and dies here, be prepared. I will keep everyone filled in on what is happening, kinda like I always do 🙂 and if he does go, I will alert you all because when he does finally go whether it is in days or months or years (Glob help me, give me years!)…

This blog will go black for I don’t know how long. I know I’m going to have my relatives and in-laws and parents and all put me on family suicide watch- I don’t want to die and I have my kids to think of but who knows what people do in the throes of grief.

I will do my damnedest to come back when I can, when I go black after my husband dies. Just preparing you all and myself for this because I am so scared that the end is close.


February 27, 2014 Posted by | Another Late Post, Bleakest Despair, Clinical Fucking Depression, Friday's Post, Generalized Rambling, Husband's Illness, Monday's Update, Mourning, Sword Of Bananas, Terribly Worried, Wednesday's update, Weekend Post, Whining, Yo | 1 Comment