Anne2Snakie's Erotic Snake Swallowings

Women Swallowed Alive By Snakes

New Weird Story :)

This was not a movie of standout performances. The acting was bland the characters- mygosh, where are they finding the actors these days? I could hardly tell any of the female characters apart. Every vulva was shaved bald, each set of labia the same, each gaping birth canal uniformly deep. Only in this fashion was the lead female character in any way different from her companions. At one point the lead was suspended in a splits position, vaginal opening gaping wide and deep and under her a fully grown man sitting in a crouched position. She was lowered onto and over him until her torso was hard against the ground and he was inside her. She stood, showed him to be gone, then sat again and rehooked herself. Her legs were pulled wide again and she was lifted. The man, drenched in vaginal fluids, then stands and walks away. While this is nothing new (this routinely occurs to every man several times per hour, and sometimes they never let us out, just digest us with their cunts!) it was more than her companions did.

Except for one performance that was all in the background. This one chick (and this is one of the very few times I wish they would show more than the woman’s cunt in film- hair is a good identifier, and what with every female actor’s cunt shaved bald, well then) with a beauty mark near her anus is shown swallowing nearly ten women in a row with her cunt in that one scene alone. During the entire film they show that cunt swallowing over three hundred other cunts without letting any of them back out. I think she digested all those cunts with her uterus. Sign me up, I want MY cock in THAT cunt!

Even when the serpent was swallowing each of the female stars whole it was hard to tell those cunts apart. Only when the lead actress’s cunt was stuffed with 18 or more long inches of 6 inch wide cock could you tell that her clitoris was larger than any of the other female actor’s. Luckily the female lead’s cunt spent the entire film stuffed with cock, the smallest being nine inches long and three inches side side to side. The largest was just over three feet long and almost a foot thick. She spent half the film being fucked by that three foot cock- down her throat ‘til his balls were on her chin, up her ass until his balls almost went in, and so far up her cunt he DID fuck her with his balls too! When he finally pulled out and came on her cunt lips (actually filling her gaping birth canal with jizz in seven great pint-size spurts) it was a thing of beauty.

During the first 10 minutes of this 45 minute film, almost 1000 women are swallowed and digested alive by other women’s cunts; almost ten thousand women are swallowed whole and digested alive by serpent’s. After this very slow start things pick up and by the end of the film well over ten thousand women are swallowed and digested by cunts, well over ten million women swallowed whole and digested alive by serpents.

All in all, this was a typical children’s film with nothing to especially recommend it. Only good to show young girls that acting is a viable career choice for women.

1 of 5 Stars


January 21, 2015 Posted by | Another Late Post, Computero, Friday's Post, Fucking Funny, Gigantic Tits, Huge Cocks, Hungry Cunts Swallowing Women, I Like The Word 'Cunt', I Masturbated, I Want To Be Swallowed Whole & Alive, Makes Me Horny, Masturbation, Monday's Update, My Cunt, My Fiction, Sex, Sexually excited, Snakes Eating Women, Tongue In Cheek, Wednesday's update | 9 Comments

Almost Done! Diamond & Denfall, Part Almost Done :)

All done but the shouting! But I thought I’d get this out there for all my friends 🙂 Enjoy, I hope!





Jet Diamond closed his eyes and hissed quietly in irritation. Every time he got close to the ‘zone’ there was another interruption and BANG back to real life. It was hard to concentrate as it was, he was so hungry. Terrified to eat anyone, Diamond was slowly wasting away, his skin getting looser on his body.

The knock on the door came again, louder, and Jet hissed louder, shaking his head. This action flipped his glasses on their hinge and the lenses fall over his eyes. “Come in,” he yelled. Dammit, he didn’t have any appointments today. Or this week. Or at all, anywhere, any more. His reputation ruined, his career in shambles; each day his only pleasure in life was another day past in which he didn’t go to jail.

It was impossible to live this way.

The cheap particle board door swung slowly open and the bright light in the hall dazzled Jet’s eyes enough he couldn’t see who his visitor or visitors were. “Come in,” he repeated. As a reptilian being, serpent in particular, Jet’s eyes were only adequate at best. His real organ of detection was his sensitive tongue. He kept it flickering in the direction of the doorway as his guests, plural, entered. His tongue detected the smell and taste of a man, Hightower, and another person. No, not a person- a woman. Food. The taste was delicious and familiar. And she drew closer and Jet could see from the absolutely immense flash globes on her chest it was- Dr. Denfall. Here to torment him further? But why was Hightower with her then?

“Dr. Hightower, Dr. Denfall,” he said as they stood before his desk. “Please, take a seat the two of you.” He ducked his snout toward 2 plush chairs behind them. He had been told by many human beings that they were very comfortable. He’d only eaten half of those people afterward; the food ones. The women.

Dr. Denfall kept her stance in front of the desk while Dr. Hightower awkwardly pulled on his pant legs and waistband before sitting, tugging and tucking his shirt afterward. Dr. Denfall kept her arms at her side, one hand holding a manila folder, the only clothing on her body being her glasses. Her nipples were hard, scrunched tight in obvious sexual excitement. Her vulva was flushed red, eager for penetration; Dr. Denfall was one of the very few women of the world who, when sexually excited, became so wet her vaginal fluids would run in rivulets down her inner legs- and right now she had the beginnings of a puddle going.

“Dr. Diamond, I have something I have to say and I am ashamed, embarrassed, and so very sorry I have to do this. I am so very sorry for my poor behavior. I let my grief over the loss of my friend confuse me; I forgot that as women we are food first, people second. I believe this is part of the reason so many other species of the world have turned to eating women, turned to swallowing them whole and digesting them alive. It’s because even as we remember that we are food, so is the rest of the world remembering. It’s not a plague or some terrible change, simply food being eaten because it is food.

“Please,” said Dr. Denfall as she set the folder on Diamonds desk, opening it and setting the papers on the desk to Diamond could read them all easily. “These are all letters, witnessed by Dr. Hightower and notarized. I have written the police, my lawyers, all the local institutions I have used and apologized to each of them for wasting their time. I retract all claims and charges. These,” she said as she set out new letters for him to look at, “are letters to every journal or magazine that I have ever written, and those I have not, retracting every statement I have ever made and apologizing for my actions. This is the very least I can do to show my regret over my actions.

“I am also telling you this. Dr. Diamond, please, I mean this sincerely. Swallow me whole, digest me alive. I am not only food for you, I am food that is so very sorry for every horrible thing she has ever done. I am food, Dr. Diamond. I am a woman. I am food. Women were put on this earth to be eaten by snakes. And snakes were put on this earth to eat women. Please, Dr. Diamond. Eat me.”

Dr. Denfall took off her glasses and lay on the floor on her back. Arms beside her, gigantic firm breasts rolling to either side of her rib cage and still those huge tits met at her middle. They towered over her face. Denfall knew when she lay on her back like this that, from above, she looked like the legs of a woman below, and just two gigantic tits on top.

Jet Diamond looked down at the nude woman on his floor, her eyes closed and her hands at work in her crotch. He looked at Hightower who simply waved a hand down at the nude woman, saying “Bon’ appetit’,” as he did so. Oh, where to start, where to start. Jet loved swallowing women whole either way, head first or feet first. He’d swallowed a few women ass first, their bodies bent at the middle and ankles around their necks. One woman he’d swallowed hands and feet first in this position, stopping when just her ass and wet gaping cunt were barely unswallowed. He’d allowed a friend and fellow human scientist to fuck the woman’s cunt in his mouth for a few days, finally swallowing her down when she was so full of semen she overflowed, hitting the two gallon mark.

In the end he decided to start at her feet. That allowed her to come to him wet cunt first and that meant his tongue had a nice place to visit for a while. Tasty, tight, and warm.

He slipped her feet into his mouth and he smiled as she gasped a little. He swallowed slowly, savoring the feet of her warm, silky soft legs slid slowly into his mouth and down his throat. His lips stretched tighter as he swallowed her deeper into him. Her legs were getting thicker as he brought her hips closer. Her feet inched slowly deeper into him, slow swallow by slow swallow. Her knees entered his mouth, tip of his snout over both, and yet the sides of his mouth were still down at mid calf. Both of her hands were still busy, one hand working her clit and the other hand piercing her tight wet hole with the fingers and thumb of her other hand. She stiffened again as another orgasm rolled through her. Her legs were still bent at hip and knee though she would have to straighten out very soon as he swallowed her deeper.

When her hips slid into his mouth and her delicious smelling and wonderfully tasting cunt and ass grew closer, Jet’s tongue pushed her fingers aside and he took over. His tongue was magic, his technique flawless. His forked tongue teased and tortured her erect, throbbing clitoris driving into multiple orgasm after multiple orgasm with little chance to breathe between them. He entered her birth canal with his tongue, grinding her G spot and pushing at her vaginal walls. She came again from the vaginal penetration and manipulation, then again as his tongue merely flicked her clit and drove her into instant clitoral orgasm. At last, limp and insensate in his mouth, she could only lay and pant.

He swallowed her inch by inch until his snout was between her gigantic tits, nose at the base of her throat and his lower jaw on her neck. Her arms pushed upward like a diver, and her tits rolled over and covered her face. She knew that she looked like the snake was swallowing two gigantic pillow tits and not a woman but that was ok. As long as she was swallowed whole and digested alive like the food she knew she was it was all going to be A-OK.



Next time- DONE!



October 28, 2014 Posted by | Another Late Post, Clinical Fucking Depression, Friday's Post, Gigantic Tits, Low Self Esteem, Makes Me Horny, Monday's Update, Mourning, My Fiction, Snakes Eating Women, Story Talk, Terribly Worried, The Universe Hates Me, Wednesday's update, Weekend Post, Whining | 7 Comments

A Story I Just Wrote

“So, do you usually swallow women whole, digest them alive?” asked Tammy. She and five other young women (older girls, really- not a one was older than 17 and the youngest was 14) were crowded around a seagull. Each girl was wearing a barely-there bikini and sitting on a beach chair. The seagull was in the center of them, belly gigantic and still moving. Inside his stomach was a girl named Brittnay- not five minutes ago she had pulled off her bikini top and laughed as she ran, bare breasts bouncing on her chest, each gigantic flesh globe much larger than her head. In seconds there was a shadow, and a seagull swooping from the sky with it’s beak gaping wide and wider still! As the bird landed on the sand it also swallowed Brittnay whole and alive- she was now curled into a tight ball in the stomach of the seagull, struggling as it digested her alive.

“No, this is the first time,” said the seagull. It’s voice was odd- a mix of the cacophonous screech of a seagull and the rich baritone of Morgan Fairchild. “I’ve never talked before, either. This is a whole new day!” said the seagull, rubbing it’s wings on it’s bulging belly- it had felt good to swallow Brittnay alive, felt even better to be digesting her alive. His tummy was stretched out, almost painful but not quite. Rather, the extremely full feeling, like he would never have to eat again, coupled with the feelings as she wiggled and moved in his stomach, felt so good. Suddenly he turned to a blonde girl to his left- she was wearing a VERY teeny weeny, itsy bitsy, yellow polka dot bikini- and asked her:

“You know, I never thought of this. Is it- is it okay for me to have swallowed this girl, to digest her alive?” He was very concerned, very worried. From inside his belly came sounds of yelling and complaining- Brittnay must have heard him speak. Made sense, she was inside him and his voice originated inside him too. However, he ignored the girl he was digesting alive and so did all the other girls, Brittnay’s friends. As far as they were concerned she was already gone and had been gone for years. The seagull knew he still had another couple of hours before his digestion would really hurt the girl- plenty of time to puke her back up if he had too. Now, in six hours he’d be puking up chunks and a thin slime but for right now Brittnay was still alive, mostly undigested.

“No, that’s okay,” said a young redheaded girl as she too rubbed his belly, feeling Brittnay’s spine through the abdomen of the seagull. “She’s my best friend in the entire world, but that’s okay. Just digest her.” She looked at the other girls and they nodded their heads and spoke in agreement. They loved Brittnay, would never wish her harm, would miss her terribly. But, even though the seagull could puke her back up for the next few hours and she would be perfectly okay, he had swallowed her whole and alive fair and square- not fair to punish HIM just because BRITTNAY didn’t want to get digested alive. Reassured, the seagull went back to stroking his fat belly, feeling Brittnay struggle inside him. “Poke, poke,” he said as he tapped what would be the top of her head through his abdomen. The girls surrounding him laughed while Brittnay yelled and wiggled.

“Why did you swallow her and not any one of us?” asked Linda, a 17 year old girl with dark brown hair. She sounded slightly disappointed. While she was technically wearing a bikini one had to stare closer and longer than was polite to see it.

“I think it was her boobs that did it,” said the seagull. “I don’t mean to be rude or crass, I know you don’t like to be stared at on the beach,” said the seagull as he showed them all he didn’t understand the purpose of beaches. The POINT of going to the beach is to be as naked as possible in public while swimming and playing volleyball and having a blast. Being stared at was part of the fun. Brittnay had taken her top off because she wanted to be looked at, wanted her body admired. It was part of growing up, learning how to be adult. The fact that it was her boobs that did it- Tammy knew, as a girl, that her breasts had power. Power over boys and men, power to get what she wanted. The fact that her boobs also meant they had THIS kind of power as well… “I remember looking down as I was flying. There she was, those big boobs everywhere- and I thought to myself that I just had to have her in my stomach. First time I thought, too. So I indulged- swooped, swallowed!” He burped loudly and the girls around him laughed as he looked embarrassed. “Sorry,” he said. “It was someone I ate.”

“So it could have been any of us if we had taken our tops off,” said Erin. Her red hair was tied back in a ponytail. She was a little younger, thin and still kind of bony; still had to get some growing done, both in height, weight, and cup size. The seagull looked at her, then looked into her eyes and saw the hope there.

“Yes,” he said, even though had it been Erin taken off her top he never would have swallowed her; she barely had the rack of a boy. “It might have been you I had swallowed.” Erin hugged herself, eyes closed, a smile on her face. She reached out a hand and rubbed the belly of the seagull- inside his stomach, Brittnay wasn’t struggling so much anymore- being digested alive over a period of several hours was starting to take it’s toll on her.

“Could you swallow me too?” asked Sandy,  a girl with raven black hair to her shoulders. “I can take my top off.” The other girls around her nodded their heads and whispered to each other eagerly.

“Well,” said the seagull. “I’m still full- I think she’s still alive, too.” He tapped his belly but the bulge of the swallowed girl was still and quiet. “Hmm, guess not. Well, I am still full. She’s dead, I’m still digesting her.”

There were the sounds of female disappointment from all around him.

“No, no,” he said, shifting the dead weight of the partially digested girl into a more comfortable position in his stomach. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t, I just said I can’t right now. I can probably swallow whole and digest alive another one of you just before bed, then swallow and digest another girl tomorrow morning.”

“That still leaves four of us,” said Tina, a fairly stacked young black girl, her hair in tight corn rows. She was wearing a dark brown bikini and against her skin she looked totally nude without being so. “That’s not fair if you don’t swallow and digest the rest of us.” The others nodded and murmured agreement. The redheaded girl, Erin, was the loudest in agreeing because she feared the seagull wouldn’t swallow her whole, digest her alive. Wouldn’t be FAIR. Cindy, another blonde girl with an overdeveloped, adult appearing body, started crying softly.

The seagull felt horrible. These poor girls. How could he do this? “Okay,” he said after a moment. “As long as you six are going to be around for a couple of days we can get this done. I’ll swallow one of you tonight, digest you alive overnight. Tomorrow morning I’ll swallow another of you, digest her through the day until dinner. Then I can swallow whole and digest alive another one of you, then if one of you can stay awake long enough, I can swallow one of you for a midnight snack, digest you alive until morning. The very next day I can swallow one the two remaining girls and digest her alive all day, then swallow the last of you that night and digest you alive until morning. Whew! That’s some good eating!” He laughed but the girls laughed harder, each of them now eager for the time to pass quickly.

It went as planned, mostly, with very few hitches. The hardest part was swallowing the girls when he hadn’t completely digested the previous girl. At least four of them, one by one, ended up curled in his stomach, the mostly digested remains of the previous girl squished around her, like pudding with bones in it. When he was swallowing a girl during daylight hours he was surrounded by other girls and frat boys, all yelling “Choke her down! Choke her down! Choke! Choke!” and waving their arms like they were at a sporting event. But at last, he was down to the last girl on the last night.


“I can take off all my clothes,” wailed Erin, standing before the seagull, wearing her bikini bottom and nothing else. If it hadn’t been for the emptiness between her legs she might have been mistaken for a 14 year old boy. “Please!”

“It’s not that,” said the seagull, looking at her as he paced. “It’s just- you’re a little young, you haven’t been through puberty yet,” he said. Erin wailed louder, tears flowing freely.

“That’s the problem,” she said through her tears. “I have gone through puberty- this is as big as I’m going to get,” she said, clapping her hands against her chest.

“Oh wow,” said the seagull. “I am so sorry. I am so, so sorry. Of course I’ll swallow you and digest you alive. I hadn’t realized.”

“Yay!” yelled Erin and in seconds was merely a large bulge in the belly of the lounging seagull. Tina, the black girl, was only halfway digested when he swallowed Erin. She slopped and chunked around Erin as the redheaded girl got more comfortable inside the seagull tummy.

“Oh man,” whispered the seagull to himself, rubbing his bulging belly. “Good, good eating.”

October 1, 2014 Posted by | Another Late Post, Boobs, Friday's Post, Fucking Funny, Gigantic Tits, I Want To Be Swallowed Whole & Alive, Makes Me Horny, Monday's Update, Sexually excited, Wednesday's update, Weekend Post | 8 Comments

WordPress Ate A Story Post Of Mine :(

Mother pus bucket.  Well, let’s try this again 😦


“Oh, the way you humans name things so impossible. It doesn’t make sense.” The individual behind the counter was spitting the words in frustration, driven to expression of the frustration they were feeling.

“Hey, man,” said Tammy, lifting a hand as she spoke. “Sorry. You’re not going to kill us or eat us are you?”

The man behind the counter stopped moving, only looking into her eyes for a few long seconds. Then the palpable air of danger drained away and the individual behind the counter was just a little old man again. “No,” he said finally, smiling. “No, of course not. We human beings don’t eat each other, do we?” He blinked a few times, lips still moving, before the words started again, a bare whisper. “No, no we don’t. Must remember that. Getting too greedy.”

“If you’re not going to, like, swallow us or something,” said Tammy’s younger friend Kathy. She sounded somewhat disappointed as she spoke. “Which you totally could if you wanted, I wouldn’t mind at all. You could swallow me whole and digest me alive, it’s okay.” She began unbuttoning her blouse, fully exposing her very large, very full braless bare breasts. Her nipples were scrunched up hard. It took another half second to shimmy out of her skirt and she wasn’t wearing anything beneath it; her vulva was clean shaven, her lips pouting and moist. She walked naked around the counter, pressing her body against the man and holding her breasts around his head. Each of her firm breasts was many times larger than both of their heads put together. “You can slide me down your throat and into that stomach of yours. Digest me alive. Please.”

“Human- human beings like me don’t go swallowing nude young women. If- if I did swallow swallow nude young women, and then digest them alive, you are the exact kind of human being I would swallow. I would swallow you whole. I would digest you alive.” He was sweating, partly because Kathy had lain on her back, spread her legs and used them to grab him and pulled him against her, grinding his face against her vulva so that most of his words were spoken directly up her  gaping birth canal- the same vulva that was pulling open, the same labia pulling wide, the opening of her vagina sucking at his face and head until his head was deep inside of her wet and dripping cunt. That was of course the second reason he was sweating so much- no matter how exciting it was to be swallowed whole and alive by Kathy’s cunt, he was, of course, being swallowed whole and alive by Kathy’s cunt. Her belly was pulsing, pulling, bringing him deeper and deeper up her cunt. Soon she had cunt swallowed him entirely as she screamed in multiple orgasm; he was swallowed entirely by her cunt and was now being digested by Kathy’s uterus.

“One day,” murmured Kathy as she  came slowly back to Earth. “One day I will swallow the world with my cunt.”

“Individually, or,” said Tammy as she knelt by the sweating Kathy. She opened her legs and pushed her thumbs into her red, wet, gaping cunt. She pulled the cunt open as wide as she could until Kathy’s cunt was a black tunnel into her body- a ten foot wide, 12 foot tall cunt hole. You could walk twenty feet up Kathy’s cunt before having to crouch, then crawl, then push your body through and up the very tight, extremely moist and extremely sexually excited tunnel of cunt; Tammy had to crawl and push up through more than fifty feet of delicious smelling, wonderful tasting, loving hugging tunnel of cunt before coming to Kathy’s cervix. “swallowing the entire planet with your cunt?” Tammy was talking very loud to make sure that Kathy could hear here- after all, Tammy may have crawled through almost three hundred yards of cunt but she was still up the cunt of her best friend. Kathy’d be able to hear her voice through the walls of her abdomen. How weird to think that, even though Tammy was almost a foot taller than her friend, and had tits almost three times larger than Kathy’s (and Kathy had a RACK, with each of her soft, warm, firm tits more than three times the size of both of Kathy’s tits put together. And each of Tammy’s tits weighed almost three hundred pounds each; soft, firm tits each over twice the size of her own body. Tammy began rubbing Kathy’s cervix, both of her gigantic tits trailing along with her, never noticing that Kathy’s cunt hole was starting to shrink- and soon Kathy’s cunt was closed and tightly virginal again. She had cunt swallowed everyone in the room (before Tammy had crawled up her friend Kathy’s cunt, Kathy had been quietly cunt-swallowing every customer in the place while the proprietor was distracted- she managed to cunt-swallow almost two hundred women, each of them standing and browsing, nude, and masturbating idly.

Quickly she digested her friend alive with her uterus.

Kathy, of course, now had a huge problem. What with all the people she had cunt-swallowed and digested alive, what with so many human beings she had swallowed whole and alive with her cunt before digesting them alive with her uterus, what with reducing over two hundred living, breathing nude women- each with their lives, their loves, their hopes and their dreams- to simple nutrition using only her cunt and her uterus… well, eat that many people with your cunt or your stomach and that’s a lot of calories. There is a lot of calories in a human being- and when you eat, swallow whole and alive with your cunt, an entire human being (screaming and begging for mercy like some women, eagerly and happily stuffing themselves up her cunt like the rest) and simply make them food, you need to do something with all those calories. Kathy, like all women on Earth who discovered they could cunt-swallow people, quickly went overboard and cunt-swallowed over two thousand people her first five minutes. Since then she had made up for her slow start, and made sure that she cunt-swallowed at least two thousand nude, masturbating women every fifteen minutes. Like all women of Earth, when Kathy cunt-swallowed someone, all those calories went straight into her tits. Now, her tits couldn’t grow indefinitely and they didn’t. Soon, each of her tits would weigh over six thousand tons each- by necessity, she would only be able to cunt-swallow slightly less than fifteen hundred nude women every five minutes. She would have to lay back, spread her legs, and let the nude women line up and climb into her gaping, hungry cunt.

And they would- Kathy discovered that simply laying back and opening her cunt was all the advertising she needed- nude women were lined up for literally five hundred miles waiting to climb up her cunt and be digested alive in her uterus. Soon over ten thousand women every fifteen minutes were climbing up her cunt and into her uterus. “I think I can cunt-swallow the world one person at a time,” whispered Kathy as she came down from another half-hour long orgasm (during which time her cunt had swallowed over 900 nude women, digesting them alive). Even as her cunt was swallowing nude women, some nude women were lavishing attention on Kathy’s engorged, swollen, erect clitoris. Some of the women were sucking on her clit, some women were fucking her clit with their own cunts, over women were simply masturbating her as they were swallowed by her cunt.

Things went dark for Kathy suddenly, as a nude women came up behind her, sliding between her gigantic 12 tons each tits, and started cunt swallowing her even as she continued cunt-swallowing all the other women. Soon the nude woman had cunt-swallowed Kathy down to just above her own gaping cunt and the constant, unending stream of nude women climbing into it. Once it started it went on for a while- nude women cunt-swallowing the previous woman who had cunt-swallowed another woman, etc, all the way down to Kathy’s gaping cunt which was still swallowing nude women at a rate of close to fifteen thousand nude women vanishing into her cunt per minute. Soon, the last woman, the outer woman, the five hundredth woman in a row to cunt swallow the women who were cunt swallowing each other down to Kathy, had cunt-swallowed her way down to Kathy’s legs and cunt. Even though Kathy was inside five hundred other cunts, the last woman had cunt-swallowed them all merely by cunt-swallowing the women before her. Kathy bent her knees and shoved her feet into the woman’s cunt, letting the woman swallow her deeper up her cunt. Then, by cunt-swallowing Kathy and keeping her own gaping, hungry cunt open, the new woman was now cunt swallowing over thirty thousand nude women per minute.



Okay. I had great words written for foreward and epilogue but wordpress eating the story post and Telling Me It Had Actually POSTED- well, that’s just rude. Anyway, point of that is that I can’t remember the other words 🙂



October 1, 2014 Posted by | Another Late Post, Friday's Post, Gigantic Tits, Hungry Cunts Swallowing Women, I Like The Word 'Cunt', I Masturbated, I Want To Be Swallowed Whole & Alive, Monday's Update, Sexually excited, Tongue In Cheek, Wednesday's update, Weekend Post | Leave a comment

Captain Isoula Delmakkie Walked Down The Clean

Captain Isoula Delmakkie walked down the clean white corridor, hip joints creaking and snapping. Damned legs- they’d never worked right. Even now she still had to get them adjusted every month or they’d break down entirely. They’d been a waste of money, a waste of effort. Sure, the solid metal legs looked good (damned good she thought, remembering how she’d looked this morning after locking the legs on, body still sweaty from a night’s hard fucking- damned sexy). But reliability was a requirement as well and these damned things had been anything but.

She tapped the colored circle, about the size of a dinner plate, on the sick bay door and waited for it to slide to the side. When it did so, she walked in and smiled when she saw Dr. Helm.

Dr. Helm was actually one of the approximately 20 xenomorphs on board, complementing the other 80 human crew that ran the space craft. He was of a vaguely insectile race, six legged with a thick abdomen on one end of his thorax and his head on the other. Inside his largely transparent abdomen was the body of a woman in a fetal position. She was slowly coming apart inside his stomach, being digested alive even as Delmakkie watched. Dr. Helm must have swallowed her during an examination earlier today. He was a meat eater; his entire species was the same. On his home planet, Dr. Helm would have spent his days in learning and swallowing whole and digesting alive any of the meat animals that littered his planet. In a weird case of parallel evolution most of the meat animals that lived on his home planet looked, acted, sounded, reacted to pain, and had built a galaxy spanning space empire, as a normal slightly confused nude human woman. After those nude women had uplifted Dr. Helm’s species from mindless insect to extremely intelligent, ethical and moral sentient beings, the insect race had then quickly swallowed whole and digested alive a good ninety nine point nine nine percent of the women within two years.

The woman he was digesting alive Delmakkie recognized as Fran Chalker, in engineering. For a brief moment that lasted the rest of her life, Delmakkie was bitterly jealous of the woman in Dr. Helm’s belly. “Fucking cunt,” she thought to herself. “She probably came in here waving her cunt in front of the doc’s face, shaking her tits at him. She had probably taken off all of her clothing, lain back on the table and spread her legs, holding open her vulva with both hands.” Delmakkie had seen Chalker’s cunt before, knew that the doc would have trouble resisting that cunt. Hell, Delmakkie hadn’t been able to resist that cunt either- she had spent hours, days, and once an entire week, with her face in that cunt. Feeling the thick hot wet lips on either side of her face, feeling the hard clit on her forehead and that gaping tunnel of a birth canal trying so hard so swallow her head. Once it had swallowed her head- Delmakkie had spent almost an entire weekend with the tight ring of cunt around her neck and her head inside Chalker’s uterus. Good times.

“Then,” Delmakkie continued talking to herself as she masturbated on the examination table, legs spread and one hand working her clit, the other hand down at the wet hole as Dr. Helm positioned her on the table, taking a place at her head and gaping his mouth and throat wide. “I bet she grabbed the doc with her cunt lips and swallowed him with it. Probably held him in there for an hour or two in her uterus.” She knew that there were some people that, given a chance and an opportunity, if they could climb into and up some woman’s cunt they would be content to just slide up inside the wet fragrant tunnel of her vagina and be happy with it. Not Delmakkie. If she want going to climb into another woman’s cunt, she wanted to be in the uterus.

Once and only once, Delmakkie had accidentally swallowed her lover with her cunt- the woman was on top of her and they were 69ing- Delmakkie hadn’t realized how wide she was spreading her legs as the woman licked and sucked her clit, but she suddenly lost her grip and the woman had slid wetly down her body and into her cunt- vanishing inside of her. She had been astonished, staring down at the two feet that were sticking out of her gaping cunt, lips wrapped tight around the ankles. It was more amazing that the woman her cunt had swallowed was taller than she was, wider, weighed more, had just absolutely immense fucking tits (and those tits were meant for fucking, even more than they were for the production of milk- the universe is funny that way. Delmakkie had no idea how many men had fucked those tits, came on them (just emptied their balls entirely), then moved on for the next man in line; one weekend she had watched over 2,000 men fuck her tits in a three hour period. The children’s pool  she was laying back in was completely full, just her semen-soaked tits floating on a sea of cum)– must have been three or four times larger than basketballs, each- and on her home planet she was considered flat as a board, no breasts at all. A woman with small breasts could only walk with the assistance of others and some form of platforms to support her breasts; a woman with medium breasts could not live in an urban area- her breasts took up too many city blocks each; finally, there were only 2 women on her planet with what were considered ‘large’ breasts. Too many square hundreds of miles of farmland were lost to each breast for each continent to support more. That had been almost ten years ago and Delmakkie had only just last week taken the woman out of her cunt. She was all wrinkly and pruney from being inside Delmakkie’s perpetually wet, hungry cunt but otherwise happy and somewhat disappointed that Delmakkie had taken her from Delmakkie’s cunt.

Delmakkie reached a finger up her cunt, an inch or two, before tickling the sole of the woman’s foot… she had taken mercy on the wet, cunty-smelling, cunty-tasting woman and had quickly cunt-swallowed her again, this time so far up her hungry cunt there was no trace of her left in the world- she was just a pleasantly large, very filling dildo she never removed from her cunt and nothing more. Now, if she could only figure out how to digest people with her cunt Delmakkie would be a truly happy woman.

“Doc,” she yelled, trying to be heard from deep inside the cavern of Dr. Helm’s throat. His mouth had just slid down her body past her gigantic tits and was nearing her belly button. “These damned legs again. Sorry I bought them.”

As the doc’s lower jaw slid under her buttocks she lifted her hips to make it easier to get her ass into his mouth, throat, belly. Of course, each of her breasts was larger than her hips and buttocks but the doc had gotten around those flesh pillows easily.

“I’m getting tired of fighting with them, doc,” she said, the light around her getting dimmer as more and more of her slid down the doc’s throat. Soon she could feel only her metal feet outside the doc’s mouth, the rest of her held tightly in his clutching, swallowing throat. It was only when she found herself drenched in acids and tucked into the stomach with the other half digested woman that she realized she had made a terrible, terrible error. “Shit,” she thought. “I should have unhooked my legs first.”


9/14 edited paragraphs so I could use the word ‘cunt’ more often 🙂

9/16 New edits, done in red so you can see changes. New changes on other days, other colors.


September 13, 2014 Posted by | Another Late Post, Boobs, Cunt Licking, Cunts, Friday's Post, Gigantic Tits, Hungry Cunts Swallowing Women, I Want To Be Swallowed Whole & Alive, Makes Me Horny, Masturbation, Monday's Update, My Fiction, Sex, Sexually excited, Wednesday's update, Weekend Post | 8 Comments

I Have Been Talking With My Daughter

about people being swallowed and digested. I have her convinced there is a country in the Indonesian Islands where the snakes that live there can ONLY eat women to survive.  And that, while a lot of women go there for vacationing, she is NEVER to go there.

We also “wrote” a story while going on a walk a few weeks back, wherein a goldfish was swallowing everyone that got close, except the owner, and he could never figure it out. The fish was in it’s bowl and his friend was there; he went into the other room for something, comes back and his friend is gone, and the fish is out of the bowl- with it’s belly huge, a person sized bulge there. So he figures his friend left, and puts the fish in the bathtub. Another friend comes by to ask about the first, he explains what is happening. Shows him the fat goldfish in the bathtub. Goes out, comes back, other friend is gone. Fish is out of tub, belly twice as big as it was before. He figures his friend left while he was out, tris to figure out where he can put the fish since it is outgrowing everywhere he can put it.

By the time we were finished we were both laughing loudly, with everyone in the world being swallowed whole and digested alive by squirrels, dogs, cats, hamsters, etc and the main character with his goldfish with a belly big enough to fill an Olympic swimming pool and hundreds of people missing and he NEVER figures it out.

She thought it was hysterical. I was wet enough I actually got my jeans soaked through in a few spots 🙂

So I wrote that story up and she read it, thought it was funny. So I told her that I also like other kinds of stories where, yes, people get swallowed naked even though I like it when anyone gets swallowed, naked or with clothes on. So I told her I would write her a story of the other kind that I like, see what she thinks of that. This, then, is that story.


Telluria was a female dwarf, a young woman with a good sense of humor, a nice fashion sense, and an absolutely huge pair of boobs. Each one of her breasts was much larger than her head and Telly hadn’t seen her feet in years. On Wednesday evening she had just gotten back to her room; a carved out hole set in the dwarven caverns deep under the mountains. It was a nice carved out hole with a thick stone door, and the furniture inside was stunning. But Telly wasn’t paying attention to her furniture, she was getting ready for her date with Nadjet, a hunky dwarf who carried a mean axe on his back. He had the muscles that melted her insides when she looked at him and she’d been out of her mind since Nadjet had asked her to a night out of fun in the restaurant, entertainment, and xxx-rated entertainment areas of the caverns. Telly had never been to the last part of the caverns, and didn’t plan on ever visiting the xxx-rated portions. She sincerely hoped Nadjet wouldn’t want to go there; that would be terribly disappointing if he did and she’d hate to have to tell him no.

She took off her robes, then her leather armor, then the underarmor to protect her skin from the leather, and finally the actual underwear. That was a lot of stuff to carry on her body but all the dwarves did it; except for the bra of course, guy dwarves didn’t need the bra. Amazingly, absolutely huge though her boobs were, she didn’t need a bra either. Her breasts were firm enough that they stayed up, high on her chest, positively gigantic. She looked at her body in the mirror, still happy about the body she had.

Telly was tall for a dwarf, with deep brunette hair and soft highlights. Her eyes were green although no one ever noticed- everyone was always looking at her boobs and not her face. It was both annoying and flattering. She understood it, as even she tended to look at just her boobs in the mirror. Not that she could see them both at the same time. The standing mirror was wide but not wide enough. When she stood facing it, her boobs were big enough that they were cut off on both sides where the mirror ended. And if she turned sideways, she could see herself and some of her boobs, or look at just her boobs and not have her in the reflection.

With a sigh she turned away from the mirror and only had time to gasp once as she was coiled in the loops of an obsidian rock snake! She hadn’t noticed it while looking at herself in the mirror- her boobs were so big she hadn’t been able to see the snake behind her as it stalked her!

The rock snakes were mostly a nuisance in the dwarven caverns. The green and red snakes just ate rocks, boring rocks, carving small tunnels through the mountains. The darker blue and grey rock snakes ate gems and that was bad- more than one dwarf had woken up to find a gem-eating rock snake had found their wealth, eaten it, and left the dwarf a poor, poor person. Obsidian rock snakes, however, were not a nuisance at all. They didn’t eat rocks or gems. They ate dwarves. They sneaked into dwarf homes and slithered up on sleeping or otherwise busy dwarves, and swallowed them whole and alive. They then slithered away to digest their swallowed dwarf, still alive in their stomachs, in peace. What made it even worse, in Telly’s opinion, was that they only swallowed female dwarves whole to digest alive later- they ignored male dwarves entirely! Unfair. She’d had many of her female dwarven friends swallowed whole and digested alive through the years. She had never guessed that she would be one of the female dwarves to be swallowed whole and digested alive.

“This sucks,” wheezed Telly as the snake rolled her on the floor, fully bound in tight loops of snake. She wished the bloody thing would just start swallowing her whole and alive already- it’s not like she could fight back. It was a shorter snake, only fifteen or so feet long but still those loops around her were tight enough to hurt and definitely tight enough to make sure she couldn’t escape.

The snake brought it’s head up to her face and she couldn’t even breathe as she stared it in the eyes. It was a beautiful animal but only eight inches wide, side to side. That was only the size of her thigh! How was she supposed to fit in there? Then the snake gaped it’s jaws open, wide, it’s mouth close to her face. It’s scaley lips could have easily fit around her head and it’s throat was a deep tunnel leading into the beast. After a few seconds of terror the snake closed it’s mouth and coiled itself down around her to the lower half of her body. She couldn’t see the mouth of the beast but she could feel it at her feet. And when the snake’s mouth closed on her feet she wanted to scream because she knew it wouldn’t be long before the snake finished swallowing her whole, tucking her body tight into it’s stomach, then slithering away to digest her alive.

She began to think that her only hope was if Nadjet showed up to pick her up early- if he showed up to get her before the snake had finished swallowing her whole and alive, he could easily rescue her and save her life! As the snake swallowed her legs up to her knees, she began hoping that Nadjet was the kind to show up early. But even as her body slid deeper down the throat of the snake, it’s lips inching up her thighs to her waist, she began to despair. If he didn’t show up soon it wouldn’t matter; he wouldn’t be able to see it was her being swallowed. Even if she hadn’t been swallowed completely, her boobs would have been pushed up and over her face so he wouldn’t be able to tell who was being swallowed.

Dwarf society being what it was, if anyone came across an obsidian rock snake that was swallowing a female dwarf whole so it could slither away and digest her alive, they didn’t have to save her if they didn’t recognize her. Telluria herself had come across a lot of female dwarves being swallowed whole and alive, probably a hundred or more female dwarves sliding through snake lips to be tucked into snake stomachs and digested alive in the past year or two alone. She hadn’t recognized more than fifty or more of them and so had let the snakes swallow the female dwarves. Of the fifty female dwarves she had recognized as the snake was swallowing her whole so it could digest her alive, she hadn’t liked most of them anyway. Of the forty female dwarves of the fifty being swallowed that she did like, she was sad that they would be digested alive but they weren’t her so she let the snake finish swallowing them, then slither away to digest the dwarf in their stomach alive in peace.

It would have been easy to save them too. Obsidian rock snakes had an orange spot between their eyes- you only had to press it once, firmly, and the snake would cough up the female dwarf he was swallowing whole and alive and slither away to find someone else to swallow whole and digest alive. And now here she was, the snake’s lips around her middle, up to her belly button, unwrapping her from it’s loops as it swallowed her. Her unswallowed part was tightly held, her arms caught and held away from her body, her boobs caught and also being held away from her body. She couldn’t yell for help as a loop of snake wrapped around her head and covered her mouth.

As the snake inched up her body, it’s nose between her huge boobs and pushing them up it swallowed her, it pushed her arms up and away- as it swallowed her, it was not swallowing her with her arms against her body. No, she was going to be swallowed so her arms trailed after her, as if held above her body. The obsidian snake had discovered that it was easier to swallow dwarves that way- they weren’t as wide as they went down it’s throat. And this was one was going to be trouble with those boobs- they were absolutely gigantic, immense. Comparing those boobs to her head was like comparing a watermelon to a ping pong ball.

When Telly’s head slid through the mouth of the snake then down into the throat of the snake was swallowing her, her boobs were still mostly outside of the snake’s mouth. Even as the snake swallowed her arms to her elbows, then to her wrists, his coal black eyes were staring at huge amounts of boobs that hadn’t yet been swallowed. So, swallowing away so it could digest Telluria alive, it worked on.

When Nadjet walked into Telly’s room after knocking and knocking, he was shocked to discover that she hadn’t been ignoring him- she was being swallowed whole, going to be digested alive by an obsidian rock snake! And he could tell it was Telluria being swallowed- even though he was watching the fingers of the outstretched arms of the dwarf being swallowed, the boobs of the dwarf being swallowed were still bigger than any other dwarf’s he had ever seen. And he could tell, looking at the body of the snake, that she was deep in the body of the snake. Maybe her feet were already in the snake’s stomach. And yet, most of her boobs still had to be swallowed by the snake. Yes, those boobs were being squashed and stretched by the snake’s mouth and throat as it swallowed Telluria, and yet they were still huge and pretty enough to only be Telluria’s.

He thought about pressing the orange spot between the eyes of the snake, but even though Telly’s body was probably in the stomach of the snake to her waist, she still had enough unswallowed boob outside the snake’s mouth it might be another half hour before it finished swallowing those boobs. Time enough to go and get something to eat before he had to make a decision.

Leaving the obsidian snake in Telly’s room, swallowing and swallowing her huge boobs, Nadjet went to get a burger.

It only took the snake fifteen minutes to finish swallowing all of Telly’s boobs, and it had slithered away to digest her alive by the time Nadjet came back.

She liked it, thought it was funny. Thought Nadjet was a jerk- going to get a burger while Telly was being swallowed.



March 24, 2014 Posted by | Another Late Post, Boobs, Drinking When I Should Be SOber, Drunk Enough To Be Numb, Gigantic Tits, I Feel Nothing, Monday's Update, Snakes Eating Women, Yo | 3 Comments

For Those Of You Who Do Not Believe

that a large breasted woman, if swallowed feet first by a hungry serpent, would end up swallowed nipples last after her head went down, I present to you untampered evidence:

Nipples first, then arms

Nipples first, then arms

You cannot tell me that, if the pressure of the lips circling her as she was swallowed down that tight wet serpent throat WOULDN’T press those huge tits of hers upward and squish her her nipples probably as high as her elbows 🙂 are just deluding yourself.

Her head will vanish beneath them titties

Her head will vanish beneath them titties

And Milena Velba is not unusual, only popular 🙂 MANY women have tits as big as hers, nonsurgically enhanced (hers are natural, which is cool). Now I WISH my own titties was maybe not as big as hers 🙂 but bigger than they are now 😦 Life is life. At least I am alive.

Any so way, point of the post being that it is not impossible that a woman with large or larger than average breasts would, upon being swallowed feet first by a hungry serpent, have her rock hard nipples vanish last into the throat of the animal swallowing her whole and alive as she masturbated and shook with orgasm after orgasm. If only we had enough women and serpents to test our hypothesis. I would gladly volunteer to see how it looked to have a woman with smaller breasts swallowed whole and alive by a hungry serpent 😉  Gods, in a heartbeat!!

Anne (who wishes she were just a woman shaped lump in the belly of a hungry serpent)


February 3, 2014 Posted by | Bloviation, Boobs, Friday's Post, Gigantic Tits, I Want To Be Swallowed Whole & Alive, Makes Me Horny, Monday's Update, Snakes Eating Women, Story Talk, Tongue In Cheek, Wednesday's update, Yo | 9 Comments

Both The Modern Roman Empire AND ____? Is She MAD??

Annipe checked the board of monitors again, the third time that minute. She was bored, bored, bored. Normally when on shift she could amuse herself by watching the monitors and masturbating all night like she usually did. She usually sat back in her chair, set her feet up on her desk and then spent the next 12 hours buzzing her cunt with her vibrator as she watched the monitors. No one expected her to do any real work- they just expected her to come like there was no tomorrow as she watched naked women shower for 8 hours, then masturbate for the next 4 hours on memory. And it was easy to masturbate watching those naked women showering- they were all good looking women with tight bodies, huge firm tits, tight asses, clean cunts… and they frequently not only masturbated themselves while showering, they also masturbated each other, and frequently engaged in sex with each other. Mouth to cunt, cunt to cunt, using hands and toys and everything else- eyes closed in orgasm and hips bucking as they came.

All this was the usual activities in a communal shower facility. What made this one different from any other facility was that in most of the monitors, serpents were swallowing the naked women as they masturbated, sending the women down their throats and into their stomachs to be digested alive later that night. Annipe could watch the woman shaped bulges sliding down serpent throats for days- it was such a tight fit that a woman in a serpent throat didn’t just make a bulge- no, you could see her tits, both of them, and her hard nipples, sliding down through the body of the serpent. You could see the shapes of their arms, their waists… if their hands were up instead of down in their crotch and masturbating as they were swallowed, you could make out the dip of their groins, even the shape of their cunts through the tight flesh of the serpent. Then their legs, an their feet. And when she finally reached the stomach of the serpent- well, if she was the first one swallowed whole by the serpent, she stayed like that. As if she were a woman made of snakeskin. Annipe had been showering when a serpent slithered by with just one woman inside it. She’d kept up with it and when it stopped to rest down further in the Hall of Serpents she lay on the floor with it and embraced the woman inside the serpent stomach. And since a woman inside a serpent stomach was alive, until she was digested alive, and in constant orgasm because of the stomach acids, the swallowed woman had reacted to Annipe. Annipe had grabbed and rubbed the swallowed tits and the woman inside had loved it.  Annipe had even sucked on her nipples through the body of the serpent and she swore the woman inside the serpent belly had loved it. She had rubbed the woman’s cunt through the serpent, had grabbed her ass through the serpent body… had treated her as if she were an unswallowed woman being made love to by Annipe on the floor of the Hall. And while the swallowed woman had loved it, Annipe had liked it better, rubbing her cunt on the woman inside the serpent and coming, and coming and coming. She’d fucked the serpent all night until the woman inside was digested, became all soft and went away as the serpent belly sloshed and groaned.

On one screen, she was watching a small number of Nubian women being systematically swallowed by two rock pythons. When the Nubian’s had first entered they’d been nervous and Annipe had followed them with a camera. There were six of them and they stayed together, probably wondering why they had even come to a serpent based shower. And their bodies were so different from a Roman woman’s body- so different, so unique. First of all they had deep black skin. And their tits were just so small! Annipe thought she had small tits,and for a Roman woman, she did. Each of her tits was only half again as large as a basketball and weighed less than thirty pounds each. Flat as a board for a woman of Rome. But these Nubian’s- the woman with the biggest tits was flat as a board. Each of her tits was only twice as  large  as her head, and they sagged! Annipe’s tits didn’t even have a half inch of sag to them but the Nubian women’s tits sagged at least an inch- much lower they’d be don to her knees! The Nubian woman with the tiniest tits was almost scare she looked so different, each small breast tinier than her head. At least her tits didn’t sag.

At least the Nubian’s shaved between their legs like civilized women. Annipe had been afraid they’d have actual hair between their legs. She hadn’t had a single hair between her legs since her first public hair came in when she was eleven years old. She’d shaved the thing off and showed it to her parents- she was a woman now! And while her life didn‘t change a lot at first- as a child she’d gone naked as a jaybird all the time, and since becoming a woman she practiced casual nudity at all times. Before puberty, her undeveloped breasts had been small, only twice as large as her head, but after her first hair came in her tits had grown to adult size and filled with dense mammary gland tissue. Annipe could and did lactate at almost any time and had once milked herself until bored, coming up with over a gallon from each breast. Moo.

But once the Nubian’s had watched a serpent eat this one chick with huge tits, well, they understood. The serpent had swallowed the woman with the tits feet first because there was no way it would have been able to swallow the woman and her tits at the same time. It swallowed her to just under her tits, her body filling it’s throat and her hands in her cunt inside it. As it swallowed her body, that pushed her tits up- and they were big. Each massive tit was as big as another woman if she curled into a ball, knees to her chin and heels to her ass, arms around her legs…. AND her tits as well, each to the other side of her. Annipe knew some Roman women had tits so big they couldn’t walk or even stand under their own power, but these were the biggest she had ever seen and still have the woman walking. They’d been firm, too, the bottom of each huge breast no lower than her navel. But as her tits were pushed up they covered her upper body until it seemed the serpent was just swallowing tits. The serpent had just found two huge tits and decided to eat them, as any serpent would and should. After a while the woman was deep inside the throat of the serpent and the beast was still swallowing tits. Still two huge tits coming out of it’s mouth, two hard nipples getting closer to it’s mouth. Only when the woman had been inside the stomach of the serpent for ten or fifteen minutes did the serpent finish swallowing her tits. The woman was tight in the belly of the serpent, and thirty feet up the serpent was just now swallowing two hard nipples at the end of her tits. Amazing.

Of course, by this time the six nervous Nubian’s woman were all sitting on the tiles floor of the Hall. Not only were they masturbating as they watched the serpent eating tits, but they were masturbating each other. And two of them were head- to-groin, bringing each other to multiple orgasm again and again. Once the serpent finished eating tits though, they’d gone looking for other serpents. They’d found the two rock pythons and let nature take it’s course. In this case, it mean’t that one of the Nubian women had brought the head of one serpent between her thighs and pushed it’s snout into the tight hole of her cunt, riding it‘s snout with her clit. Once she came, the serpent had continued savoring the taste and the scent of the Nubian’s cunt, in fact it had even attempted, for an hour and a  half , to crawl inside the woman through her small fuck-hole. Annipe wished it had succeeded- that would have been fun to watch, the woman‘s belly growing as the serpent crawled into her through her cunt. But it couldn’t, and it didn’t, then it had coiled her and began swallowing her whole and alive head first. With her small, head size tits it was easy for the serpent to swallow her that direction.

Once the first Nubian was swallowed, the other’s were unstoppable. They grabbed one of the others and she began masturbating as they fed her to a serpent. It didn’t even half to move, it just opened it’s jaws and they just shoved her head first don it’s throat. Once they had shoved her down it’s throat to her waist they took turns, the four of them, getting on their knees and licking and sucking her into multiple orgasm. Then one of the Nubian’s spent an hour and a half trying to crawl into her friend through her cunt. Annipe had REALLY wanted to see that- watching the woman’s belly grow as her friend had crawled into her through her cunt would have been the best thing in the world. But in the end the other three Nubian’s had to pull her out- she’d only been able to crawl up her friend’s cunt to her knees. When her head had slid through her friend’s cunt and inside her Annipe had had to masturbate to it it was so cool, with the tight ring of the Nubian’s cunt around her friend’s neck. But when she had pulled and pushed until her shoulders and her tits had slid through the woman’s cunt and into her abdomen, Annipe had come again and again. When she had managed to pull herself to her waist up her friend’s cunt until her own cunt was just below the cunt that was swallowing her, Annipe had tried crawling into one of the other Nubian’s through HER cunt. It hadn’t worked any more than the other woman had been able to crawl into her friend though. And although Annipe had managed to crawl all but the toes of her left foot up one of the Nubian’s cunts, the Nubian’s cunt muscle tight around the end of her foot and Annipe inside the Nubian’s uterus, bulging out her belly until she had to crawl back out, it disappointed her that she couldn‘t actually crawl into another woman through her cunt. When she came out, as wet with the cunt fluids as if she had taken a shower in cunt, she saw the other woman to her knees up the other woman’s cunt and it drove her mad with lust again. She turned around and tried crawling up the Nubian‘s cunt again. And even though this time she actually made it, crawling into the uterus of another woman through her cunt and staying there for two hours before coming back out, she was somewhat disappointed to discover that while she had been up another woman‘s cunt, that woman hadn‘t been swallowed by a serpent.

At 2 AM, the serpent’s finally finished swallowing all the women that were in the showers. There had been a lot of women coming to the Imbres today. And since slightly more than 2000 women came to shower at the Imbres every day and each serpent swallowed six or seven women each, it was usually around 2 sometimes 2:30 AM before the serpents finished swallowing all the women. Once, twenty three years ago the serpents had once swallowed all but one woman during the course of the day. Now they worked a little harder and even if it took them half the night, they always managed to eat them all. And by 3 AM, the Hall was filled with noise. 750 serpent bellies sloshing, intestines groaning, abdomen’s gurgling, digesting alive all those women they’d been swallowing whole and alive all day. It took hours before the noise died down!

December 23, 2013 Posted by | Another Late Post, Cunts, Friday's Post, Gigantic Tits, Hungry Cunts Swallowing Women, I Like The Word 'Cunt', Masturbation, Modern Roman Empire, Monday's Update, Snakes Eating Women, Wednesday's update | 5 Comments

Modern Roman Empire

The modern Roman method of calendar counting sets the year 0 at (what we call) 750 BC with Romulus and Remus and the she-Wolf. Thus, what we call 2013 the Romans call 2763. The Christians are a weak cult, but they count the year as 2046, setting their year 0 as what we call 33 BC with the actual birth date of their messiah, Yeshuah. Since he was never crucified (Pontius Pilate let him go instead of crucifying him) there was no resurrection, no ascension, nada. Islam is an even weaker cult, and their Prophet never memorized a holy book. The Jews faded out and died at what we call 1000 AD and no one uses any of their information for much at all.

The concept of sacred combat between helpless nude woman and hungry forty foot long woman swallowing serpent is set in myth; four or five times, goddesses came to the people of the early Italiat to introduce them to Sacred Combat- these goddesses would face off against the serpent god Caudiff. The serpent would coil and swallow the goddess whole, slither off to digest her alive. That particular goddess’s story in myth and legend ended there. At the same time, other goddesses came to the people of the early Italiat and introduced them to the concept of communal showering IN THE HOMES of hungry forty foot long woman swallowing serpents. Three or four goddesses would bathe with serpents; all but one would be coiled and swallowed whole, digested alive as they bathed. Those goddesses’ stories in myth and legend ended with their digestion inside of a serpent’s belly.

The people of the Italiat had a lot of dealings with goddesses in myth and legend- five or six times in a five thousand year stretch goddesses came to the people of the early Italiat and told them to breed for a future when they would have to feed the world. Every goddess was extremely busty, massively so. The first goddess had breasts twice the size of basketballs each. Every goddess that appeared afterward had a bust much larger than the previous visitation. The last appearance (in myth and legend) of a goddess that told the people of the Italiat to breed for huge breasts had breasts easily four times larger than basketballs each, yet firm and riding high and sag free on her chest. This goddess warned the women of the Italiat that they would have to nurse the world and they had to be ready for it.

The Serpens Proeliis, Serpent Battles, the first communal shower in the home of woman swallowing serpents, was open for almost 900 years. During these years the number of women swallowed whole and digested alive by the serpents slowly grew. It wasn’t until 14 years before the current stories that the serpents were growing too obese from eating too many women. Rather than risk the health of the serpents, they increased the number of serpents and opened a second communal shower in the home of woman swallowing serpents.

The second building was the Serpens Imbres, Serpent Showers. The Imbres has been open for the last 8 years at the time of the current stories.

The government has operated the two communal showers in the homes of woman swallowing serpents. A third facility, the Serpens Alphaca, Serpent Fields, has been open for the last 2 years in the time of the current stories. This is a facility run by private industry and not government.

The Proeliis is visited by 1,200 different and separate women daily, as well as some women who visit the facility several times in one day. Three or four days out of a 7 day period, the serpents will swallow whole and digest alive up to 800 of the showering women daily. The remain two or three days per week, the serpents will swallow whole and digest alive no less than 1,000 of the showering women daily.

At the Imbres, 1,600 different and separate women come to shower on a daily basis, as well as many women who shower there up to three times per day. Two or three days in a 7 day period, the serpents will swallow whole and digest alive every single woman who enters the facility. The remaining four or five days per week, the serpents will only swallow whole and digest alive no less than 1,300 of the women who come there to shower daily.

The Alphaca, being a private industry facility, serves 2,000 women daily come there to shower. Many, many women are turned away every single day. It is THE place to shower. For the past two years it has been open, the serpents within have swallowed whole and digested alive every single woman who has entered the building for any reason.

I, Anne, would LOVE to shower at the Alphaca 🙂


September 8, 2013 Posted by | Bloviation, Friday's Post, Gigantic Tits, Modern Roman Empire, My Fiction, Sexually excited, Snakes Eating Women, Story Talk, Weekend Post, Yo | 20 Comments

Hey There

Just checking in 🙂 Wandersmann, my friend, how was I to download that? And I can;t find your email addy ANYwhere! ARGH. Email me please??

I also have a megahuge sorta MRE story that’s sorta a drifting kinda thing. There is a story and a plot in it, but there’s also a lot of other things. Like serpents, and how they just keep swallowing women whole, then digesting them alive. What pests! How pesky! Trying to keep the house up, then the next minute your tucked tight in a hot, wet serpent belly. MMmmmmmm…  *bzzzzzzz*

Anyway, it lacks that something that has the special voice, but it does have a lot of women being eaten. A fine trade off, this time.


Scylla dug her toes into the sand of her Arena and smiled, sun warm on her bare skin. She was standing gloriously nude in the Coliseum, at the head of her Arena, waiting for her opponent to arrive. The Coliseum floor was broken into ten individual Arenas for nude women to fight forty food long hungry woman swallowing serpents. Her gigantic bare breasts were heavy on her chest; usually covered with a thin tunic, each immense flesh globe was several times larger than her head and thick with dense mammary gland tissue, her nipples almost painfully erect. She stood at almost five foot eight and would have weighed approximately one hundred fifteen pounds but her breasts alone brought her weight up to almost one ninety. The morning breeze between her legs and against her clean shaven vulva was wonderfully cool and she couldn’t wait for her opponent to arrive; her groin ached for orgasm.

A loud gurgle and sloshing sound behind her made her smile- she didn’t need to turn to see what it was. A long, fat rock python was lounging in the sun behind her, his swollen woman-filled belly working on breaking down the red haired woman he had defeated and swallowed whole in the combat before hers. The woman was being digested alive and the thought made her wet, her low belly tingling. She was so horny and about to engage in sacred nude woman against hungry woman swallowing serpent, so there was no one to fuck. She reached a hand between her legs and slid two fingers into her wet hole, rubbing her clit with her palm. Oh yeah, oh yeah. Playing with the cat with everyone in the Coliseum watching- and the thought made her hornier.

In the Arena across from hers the short thin blonde woman with thoroughly gigantic tits, each massive tit almost twice the size of a basketball and almost as spherical, dodged a strike from her opponent, a boa. Usually these serpents constricted but the Imperium des Sanguinem Ludicrum, Serpente Segregatio thoroughly trained that instinct out of the serpent brain. Now the boas, as well as all the other species of serpent, merely swallowed their women whole and digested them alive after defeating them in sacred combat. Not that serpents defeating their female opponents was always the outcome. One in five thousand women managed to defeat their opponents, the serpents seemingly confused at the actions of the nude weaponless woman. But the women in the Coliseum stands roared in approval when the serpent gently coiled the blonde woman, her body totally covered by coils of snake flesh but for her immense tits- there weren’t enough snake coils to wrap the woman and those huge tits, the serpent would have had to be twice as long for that. But while the blonde undoubtedly had bad back pains walking upright, her tits weren’t by far the biggest that Scylla had ever seen in modern Rome. In Rome, in fact the whole of the country of Italiat, women’s milk machines tended toward the gigantic. A woman with breasts only twice as large as her head was thought of as flat chested by other women, barely more than a boy. The average breasts tended toward the upward range of thirty five pounds of breast each. Large breasts made it plain difficult for a woman to even walk, and women with what were considered gigantic breasts couldn’t without outside help. But then the gathered women cheered again, the sound of vibrators rising beneath the cacophony of human voices as the serpent swallowed the woman’s head and started the process of taking her down to his tight stomach.

It was late morning and all around the Coliseum over seventy five serpents were lounging in the sand, immense woman-filled stomachs catching the sun. Each serpent had engaged in at least two sacred combats this morning, and every serpent had easily defeated their weaponless, nude woman then swallowed her whole as everyone in the Coliseum cheered. By the end of the day, at least another one hundred serpents would also be resting their woman stuffed bellies in the sand, digesting alive their defeated opponents. Not every combat ended up with the serpent breaking his opponent down into a thin nutrient paste; were that the case this would not be sacred combat and would just be the base feeding of women to serpents. While shoveling women down serpent throats would bring easily twice as many women masturbating in the seats as they had now this was sacred combat- and the nude,weaponless women fighting their forty foot long hungry woman swallowing serpents occasionally had something in them. Usually, one woman in five thousand would have some indefinable something and beat the odds. She would never have to kill her reptilian opponent- they were much too confused, seemingly not even considering the nude defenseless woman in front of their jaws as food. The watchers in the bleachers would be on their feet, shouting suggestions in anger. The woman would have to be quickly run out of the Arena to save her life from the women in the stands.

Scylla went to her knees as she rubbed her clit, leaning forward on her knees with her thighs spread and the other arm out before her and catching her. Her gigantic breasts were pressed into the sand, hard nipples in the cool under sand. Just keep the sand out of her cunt, she’d be fine, and oh Diana, oh Diana- and another slosh and rumble from the gut of the serpent behind her as it digested the red haired woman alive brought her over the edge- she cried out as she fell onto her tits, their huge size holding her up from the sandy arena floor. Oh Gods, she thought when she could. Her orgasms around serpents digesting living swallowed women were incredible. And while she had a vague image of herself winning her combat, she knew it was much more likely that she too would soon be held tight in an acid filled serpent stomach… and she felt her cunt tingle again.

Below the Coliseum, the Serpens Proeliis, was the Hall of Serpents. The Conciliabulum des Serpentium. This was a long blue and white tiled hallway filled with sets of opposing shower heads, a long black corrugated rubber strip running down the center of the hall. Between each set of shower heads was an open faced enclosure, homes to the giant serpents that fought in the Arenas. These serpents lived unsupervised in the long women’s communal shower, all two hundred and eighty of them. And while roughly one hundred and eighty of the serpents would be sunning their straining stomachs in the sand above by the end of the day, one or two women filling each gurgling belly, that left one hundred unsupervised hungry forty foot long serpents living among the defenseless nude showering women.

Euphemia stepped over the long anaconda that was swallowing some chick head first- it’s scaly lips were around her waist, it’s nose inching closer to her shaved cunt. The chicka being swallowed was petting her kitty hard, her pelvis bucking as she rubbed her clit with one hand, the other hand shoving her fingers into her wet hole. Phemia had been waiting for the serpent to swallow her deep enough she could use the shower without worrying about tripping over an arm or a leg, or the serpent suddenly twitching. Now that the woman’s head and upper body was deep into the serpent’s upper throat it didn’t move much anymore while swallowing the woman. When it had finished swallowing her, it’s mouth would finally close, with the woman’s feet sliding from inside it’s mouth into it’s throat, easing the woman closer down to it’s tight stomach then it would slither slowly away to digest the woman alive in peace.

The hot water spraying into her hair and running down her body felt so good. It’d been a long hot morning and Phemia needed to get clean again! She’d spent hours up in the bleachers with her skirt on it’s rack while she ran her batteries dead, almost front row seats this time, watching the sacred battles between nude woman and hungry woman swallowing serpent and buzzing her cunt with her vibrator. She had never seen a fight where the woman had come even close to winning and she spent hours every day, longer on weekends, at the battles after work, orgasm after wonderful fucking orgasm. So far she couldn’t think of anything more hot than watching some woman with huge tits getting coiled and swallowed whole. It might be possible that two women being swallowed whole and digested alive would be hotter. Three women? Nah, too many. The glow in her crotch couldn’t handle that thought. Maybe one day she’d sign up for a battle, see how she’d do in sacred combat. She too, she knew, would end up tucked tight in a serpent’s belly, but that would be fucking hot too.

As she soaped up her breasts, gently and lovingly, kneading the fat fleshy pillows and pulling gently on her nipples, at her feet the anaconda swallowed the woman’s feet and Phemia watched through slitted eyes as each swallow took the bulge of the swallowed woman down the length of the serpent, closer and closer to it’s tight, acid filled stomach. The sight made her lower belly warm, a tingle running through her crotch. She knew that any woman who watched any other woman being swallowed whole by a serpent was filled with a strong sexual urge, a deep giving need. She wanted, she needed, some kind of sexual action- whether or not it was a fat cock piercing her, filling her cunt with it’s wonderful rhythmic motion. Another woman’s wet tongue against her cunts lips would be wonderful as well, a strong tonguing against her clit until she rode it’s play toward orgasm. Anything! Without human action bringing her there, masturbation with anything would also be delicious.

Phemia knew, as all women did, that women are a serpent’s perfect food, and the modern woman especially so. Gigantic, mammary gland dense breasts tantalize and excite a serpent, while the simple touch of a woman’s skin on the scales of the reptile make’s the serpent wonder what that skin would feel like in it’s mouth, down it’s throat, tucked tight in it’s belly. The look and feel of a shaved vulva fascinates the serpent with the folds and thick lips, while the scent from that sweet pink hole drives a serpent into a frenzy of gluttony. A stomach straining from the many swallowed women within it is a feeling of satisfaction, of deep pleasure. A woman belongs within a serpent’s belly, and a serpent’s belly was made to hold women.

This last thought finally brought Phemia over the edge as she rubbing her clit, leaning against the tiled wall, legs spread and hands in her crotch. As she quivered with orgasm, this action caught the eye of a slithering python, it’s white scales slithering down the black rubber strip. It only had one woman in it’s belly and was eager for another to strain it’s stomach. It slid over Phemia legs and raised it’s head close to hers, jaws gaping. When Phemia opened her eyes she would only see the deep black tunnel of the python’s throat and then, and only then, the python would strike and swallow her head.

Pomona leaned back in her bleacher seat, draining her cup of beer as she watched Scylla masturbating in the sand below. All around her were the long serpents sleeping in the sun, fat bellies filled with swallowed women. She thought the place would be better if they just got rid of the fighting part and just fed more women to serpents. As it was, the serpents that fought in the Arenas swallowed about two hundred women every day. Get rid of the fighting and they could double the amount of women stuffed into serpent stomachs. Just the thought made her cunt so wet she almost needed a pad to stay dry. She wanted to pet her kitty right there in the bleachers. And while a lot of women did masturbate in the bleachers, in fact most of them did so openly (stripping off all clothing below the waist and hanging it carefully on racks the Coliseum provided for this purpose before sitting, then buzzing their cunts with vibrators for hours as they watched the women below fight, lose, and get swallowed whole and digested alive by their serpentine opponents), she just waited until she could get home and get comfortable in the bath and run the water straight between her legs.

The Coliseum had one hundred thousand seats and during the work week it usually filled about half those by nine each morning. Racks to hold a woman’s clothing were provided at each seat as well as a tray for food and drink. The higher seats came with binoculars at each chair attached by a chain and while any enterprising individual could easily make off with theirs should they choose, easily ninety eight percent of the binoculars remained in place and those removed were replaced quickly. The seats were comfortable and made for women to easily sit and get quick and easy access to their groins while watching the combats in the Arenas below. There were containers for battery disposal and two sockets for power. There was no privacy, because management had found that the masturbating women found greater pleasure if they knew that people watched them as they masturbated, and that they could also masturbate while watching other women masturbate.

Pomona sat up straighter when Scylla stood up, just in time to get coiled by her opponent, a long reticulated python. The serpent slid itself over and around her, rubbing it’s long woman-stuffed stomach between Scylla’s thighs, sliding it’s body head first between her gigantic tits then wrapping separately around the immense flesh globes; bringing her again and again to body wracking orgasm. When Scylla finally lay senseless the serpents coils, drenched in sweat and vaginal secretions, the serpent took her head in it’s mouth and started swallowing her whole and alive. And then, when Scylla was wedged tight in the stomach of the beast, it found a stretch of sand to rest it’s belly on while it took a nap in the hot sun. And then, when the serpent had closed it’s eyes, Pomona ran a hand under her skirt waistband and between her legs. That had been too hot, she was too horny; she’d have to pet the kitty now while the next nude woman was getting ready to get swallowed. She meant getting ready to fight her opponent.

Below the sand and the seats, while Pomona was masturbating in her chair, Mara was going over her forms. Like all women who worked in the Imperium des Sanguinem Ludicrum, Serpente Segregatio, she only wore, as a mark of distinction and honor, a single red skirt that barely hung to mid thigh and nothing else. This was a badge of honor shared by all women who worked in the section she did- she had fought and won in sacred combat between nude woman and hungry serpent. Other than that she wore only skin, from her bare feet to her huge bare tits that rode high on her chest, each huge globe several times larger than her head and the thumb thick nipples perpetually hard. The figures on the forms didn’t lie. Several years ago they had to build the Serpens Imbres building when so many women were fighting in combat and taking communal showers that the serpents that lived and worked in the building were getting dangerously obese from too few serpents swallowing too many women. It had taken decades for the old setting to get too small. Now, in only five years, the facts were in. Two hundred eighty new serpents, a whole new building put up, and the serpents were getting dangerously fat again. Too many women signing up for sacred combat each day, too many women taking communal showers here instead of the other communal shower buildings that dotted Rome. Of course, none of those other communal showers had the frisson of danger that these showers did. One thousand seperate and different women showered daily at the Proeliis, the same number at the Imbres. While the one hundred eighty serpents from each shower building that fought in the Coliseum each day were busy swallowing their opponents as fast as they could, each serpent could only physically swallow so many women daily. And while they had another hundred serpents in each building that lived in the communal showers they could rotate the Arena fighters with, the shower serpents were busy as well adding danger, and filling their huge bellies, below. The two hundred shower serpents could only do so much damage to the two thousand communal showerers at their very worst anyway- even if every serpent swallowed six showering women, that was still eight hundred surviving women that would tell their friends about the joys of the showers and then the next day even more women would come shower.

The serpents in the showers had only managed to swallow six women each only one, three years ago. Whether it was something in the air or something in the women, the serpents had been in an absolute frenzy. They swallowed women as fast as they could, filling their bellies dangerously full. Only when each serpent was hugely bloated with an average of six women in it’s stomach, did the frenzy stop. The largest serpents had managed to swallow eight women apiece, the smaller serpents only six. It had taken the serpents days to digest the women in their stomachs, and no women were swallowed in the showers until then. Since that day it had come back to normalcy with each serpent usually swallowing one or two women each.

She took a moment to close her eyes and lean her chair back, lifting her legs up onto her desk and flipping up her skirt to expose the smooth skin of her clean shaven vulva. She began to rub her clit with her eyes closed, imagining sliding down the throat of one of her serpents… it took only a minute before she achieved orgasm, squirting about a cupful of female ejaculate onto the seat of her chair. She sat in the thick fluid, pooled in her crotch, before opening her eyes. When she did, her assistant Hiserpina was standing there and looking at Mara, rubbing her own crotch as she did so. Serpina never wore her skirt, opting to go nude about her day and idly petting her kitty when she felt the need. She had the unerring ability to find and masturbate while watching Mara masturbate. Mara didn’t mind- the thought of Serpina masturbating as she was watching her pet the kitty made it hotter.

Mara was one of those women that won her combat with a hungry woman swallowing serpent because several genetic markers within her had switched off. Her skin didn’t give off the scent that drove a serpent mad with hunger. Even her vaginal scent was off- she didn’t smell like a human woman, she didn’t feel like one. During her combat she wasn’t swallowed whole and digested alive because her opponent didn’t see her as a woman, as food. Every woman that worked in the Serpente Segregatio had a different set of markers switched off but the end result was the same- the serpents that freely roamed every inch of the Serpente Segregatio didn’t see them as women, as food. And while that left every woman that worked there feeling empty and unfulfilled, it was also a mark of honor that they could safely work with all those woman hungry serpents.


Hopefully it’s good. Hopefully you read this monster 🙂


June 12, 2013 Posted by | Another Late Post, Boobs, Cunts, Gigantic Tits, I Like The Word 'Cunt', My Fiction, Wednesday's update | 9 Comments