Anne2Snakie's Erotic Snake Swallowings

Women Swallowed Alive By Snakes

How Else Do I Describe These?

I have been asked, by 1 poster in particular lately but occasionally in the past, to change the way I describe bustlines in my stories. Referring to breast size in relationship to a woman’s head, and sometimes the hair added inย  as well, is something I have done. Referring to breast size by weight of the breast is something I have done as well. Now, I admit, in normal stories there may be just 1 line in a story referring to someone’s breasts just to give a general view of what a person looks like. If she is particularly busty, it may be something along the lines of “…and her breasts were very large and full under her blouse,” and that would be it.

These aren’t normal stories.

These are vore stories and as such, they are sex stories because to me vore IS sex. Even if nothing overtly sexual is happening, the act of a snake (or whatever) swallowing a woman whole and alive is INTENSELY sexual. It is just as sensual, just as personal, as making love. And when she is tucked tight into the belly of the beast it is just as powerful as orgasm.

Now I know I am a little weird in my fixation on large breasts. I would hate for mine to be big as basketballs, but I am glad other women get implants that big… or if they are some of the women out there who naturally have breasts big as basketballs. There aren’t many women out there who do, but I have seen pics of some who do and they have been floppy and squishy enough to not have been implants. My back hurts for all these women when I see pics of them.

But I still love ’em ๐Ÿ™‚

Now, when I write a story, and my character has breasts like these…

Now that's nice...

Now that’s nice…

how else to describe

Those fucking tits are HUGE

…then just saying “Oh and donโ€™t specify โ€œpoundageโ€ either. Thatโ€™s just as overly specific as head-sizes.” leaves me with little play room. My female characters SPECIFICALLY have gigantic breasts that yes, are 1 or 2 or 3 times the size of her head. In the case of Chelsea Charms (last pic), her breasts are at least 26 pounds each. Simply stating “She had breasts that were large,” does these real women, and my fictional ones, no justice.

I know I am writing for other people as well as myself, but I am writing for MYSELF first, and then everyone else second. I have always been the kind of person that likes details and it’s driven people crazy all my life. So I need to know just how big someone’s breasts are if they defy cup size.ย  And these women above defy cup size. My characters in my stories DEFINITELY defy cup size ๐Ÿ™‚

So my female characters will continue to have breasts two or three times the size of her head. She will continue to have breasts that “…weighed twenty pounds each.” There’s no other way to do it.

Sometimes she IS a pair of breasts with a woman attached as a side note ๐Ÿ™‚


December 25, 2012 Posted by | Boobs, Gigantic Tits | 7 Comments

A Sad And Painful Goodbye To a Too Short Part Of My Life

My marriage has been… unconventional. I went into it knowing Rudy would need some heart surgery at some distant time of the future. And then, after the birth of my second child (Rudy’s third), Rudy needed emergency heart surgery. He was basically dead on the operating table, he was in such bad shape. But they replaced two of his three bad valves (the third has also collapsed and failed entirely, but it is treatable by medicines and so livable).

My youngest son is 8, and Rudy has been slowly gliding downhill, getting worse and worse as time goes by. We’ve gone through long periods of no sex because of his health, but lately I’ve been trying to keep both him and me happy doing what we can. It’s been on and mostly off. But today I tried again to help him out and get things going between us, and I have come to the sad, sad conclusion that what very very little we did today is going to be it. He’s just too sick to do anything more.

I even tried to help out at the end by just giving him a handjob, him just laying there, and it was too much stress on his system.

So, yeah, I’m a little sad today. Since I got married, life has been a long series of mournings. You don’t have to lose someone to mourn something- you can mourn the loss of the ability to walk, mourn not being able to play basketball, mourn that your DVD player broke, mourn that your husband is horribly ill. Mourn the loss of sex in your marriage. Mourn the loss of your partners ability to do what he used to do and enjoy. Mourn what your life was, what your life is.

I mourn for me, of course, but I also mourn more for Rudy and what he’s lost. Every day he apologizes for being a horrible husband when he can’t do something he used to do. And no matter what I say, I know he still feels it.


December 23, 2012 Posted by | Bleakest Despair, Husband's Illness, Mourning, Whining | 3 Comments

Still Working On The “Gross” Story

So no fear ๐Ÿ™‚ Just wanted to let you all know that it’s on the way ๐Ÿ™‚

December 14, 2012 Posted by | My Fiction, Yo | 3 Comments

Well, Another “This Is What I Mean” Post

With a picture and some words. I got this pic off a “gonewild” subreddit (I’ve been a redditor for like, what, 10 years now? However long reddit has been around- I’ve been lurking since it STARTED):

this is what i mean

In my stories, she’s almost flat chested. Definitely small. And don’t tell me there aren’t women out there that DON’T make her look flat… I’ve got pictures ๐Ÿ™‚ย  Amateurs and professionals with implants, except no one needs implants in my stories ๐Ÿ™‚ And generally, this is because it is a background fact that there is a retrovirus loose on the land- it attaches itself to the genes that control breast size and bumps them WAY up. I don’t write about the women in my worlds that can’t walk upright because their boobs are so big ๐Ÿ™‚ย  However, I DO feed them to snakes, so there is that. You can’t run and with tits that big you can’t hide and somewhere out there is a snake with a mouth and a stomach that can take you in!

I just made myself somewhat wet ๐Ÿ™‚ Definitely damp, prepared for penetrative sex anyway ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyway, this was just aย  post about women with big boobs and how they are the norm in my worlds and really, there are only so many ways to describe boob size before you head into “x times bigger than her head” territory.


December 8, 2012 Posted by | Boobs, Sexually excited, Where I be at, Yo | 1 Comment