Anne2Snakie's Erotic Snake Swallowings

Women Swallowed Alive By Snakes

Well, How On Earth Did That Happen?

Well, I was trying to do that whole NaNoWriMo thing (dammit, WordPress is just all fucked up- they changed the site to try and get more “modern” and I don’t like it at all. It doesn’t work right any more, and a lot of the default options they choose just plain suck. Now I can’t get the bloody thing to make a link out of NaNoWriMo- go to and read about it 🙂 ) and I messed up. Now I’m a day behind and haven’t even started a thing. Of course, I never signed up or anything so I’m not officially a part of it, but still,  I figured it could be a good way to actually get my “novel” started.

And, so, of course yesterday while driving I wrecked our van.

I was driving, too quickly of course, on some dead leaves and I started sliding. The front of my van bounced off the guard rail and it knocked me back onto the road. Luckily, our van isn’t actually wrecked, but it did do some damage and it looks awful where I hit- the white paint from the guard rail is all over where I smacked into it.


I’m still accursed by God.

Falsdoon – try AIM then. It doesn’t eat yr computer. I’m anne2snakie on AIM 🙂


November 2, 2011 Posted by | Automobile ZTroubles, Bleakest Despair, Clinical Fucking Depression Yo, Generalized Rambling, My Fiction, The Universe Hates Me, Whining, Yo | 4 Comments

Everytime I Am Ready To Go

I get kicked the figurative woman-nuts. If there is such a thing. You know what I am trying to say, don’t you? I hope so anyway.

Anyway, what I mean is I had started on that story I was going to post, the n our van blew up on the highway while Rudy was driving me to a doctors appointment. I can’t drive very far- I fall asleep behind the wheel. Anyway, our head-gasket, or something that sounds like that, cracked and all the oil sprayed out of our car while driving, then all out onto the road when we parked the van in a cloud of smoke.

Long story short- mega stress (our van is dead!@ Again!) and my story is still waiting to be finished.

Barring anything new horrible happening, I will have it finished and posted by the end of the day, tho. promise on my black and flabby little heart.

Come back Wandersmann. I miss you.


September 29, 2010 Posted by | Automobile ZTroubles, Bleakest Despair, Bloviation, Clinical Fucking Depression, Whining | 2 Comments