Anne2Snakie's Erotic Snake Swallowings

Women Swallowed Alive By Snakes

I Am Getting There (An Elder Scrolls Post)

This picture is smaller than full size (full size is 640×480) but I wanted it to be here without filling up a full screen for people who don’t use huge resolutions on their monitor. Mine is 1280×1024 and a lot of people have bigger, but a lot of people have smaller so I smooshed it down for you people. Because I love you.

Anyway, this is Frex, my Redguard character for ES: Arena. I’m in the Labyrinthian dungeon going for the 2nd piece of the Staff of Chaos, trying to kick Jagar Tharn’s ass and save the Emperor (and, thus, the Empire).

I had 7 of the 8 pieces a few years back and then stopped playing in my own fucked up way. Not this time. Not this time, Jagar Tharn.

(Frex leaves the room to go put her armor back on and from the back room comes a short scream, then muffled sounds as she is swallowed whole and digested alive by a snake)


August 4, 2010 Posted by | Bloviation, Gaming, Generalized Rambling | Leave a comment

When I Am Stressed, I REALLY Play Video Games

and with Rudy in the Hospital again, I am REALLY stressed out. So I have been playing Arena again, by Bethesda Softworks. You know, the guys who did Morrowind and Oblivion. Yeah, those guys. Anyway, I’ve played it a million times, and once I ALMOST beat it, but then quit pl;aying for some reason. But this time, THIS time, I am going to beat Jagar Tharn fair and square!!

August 1, 2010 Posted by | Bloviation, Computero, Gaming, Husband's Illness, Whining | Leave a comment

I Had Not Realized This Much Time Had Passed

I am alive. Sorry I missed u all but I miss u all. Will type more after Xmas. Love u all.

December 22, 2009 Posted by | Being A Miserable Cunt, Bleakest Despair, Doomed Projects, Gaming, Husband's Illness, My Fiction, My Illness, Power Of A Plastic Jesus, Story Talk, Threats Of Oppression, Whining | Leave a comment

Another PS3 Written Entry (WHY??)

Writng by controler is AGONISINGLY slow (my words per mintue falls from approx. 90 (with a scary number of typos to fix 🙂 ) to right about 9 words per minute (at least there fewer typos to fix, tho 🙂 ). And, irritatingly enough, the PS3 seems to only have a big enough buffer for about two large paragraphs before it fills right up and won’t let me type ANYTHING anymore. Thats why today I might have several small entries in a row. Oy!

Anyway, we are still snowed in. We have been for over a week now! Western Washington State has been a small entry in the nation TV news for a few days because of all the snow, and since that is where Mama Snake makes her home… 🙂

New entry to follow soon!!

December 23, 2008 Posted by | Bloviation, Gaming | | 1 Comment

Fallout 3, Me, And My Dying Xbox 360

My 360 will play some games, 360 games, without a problem. And others it fights like a snarling beast to not play. I’ll have to try again and again to makesome games work, as it reads the disk info and thinks the game is a movie, tries to play the game as a movie, then fails miserably and crashes out to a default white error screen. Too bad for Mama Snake.

Anyway, I was playing Fallout 3 yesterday, and I came across the Musem Of Technology. Inside the museum, they have a mock-up of a Vault for visitors… which, of course, is a ruin because of the nuclear holocaust some 236+ years past now.

Now, for those unfortunate souls who don’t HAVE Fallout 3, or don’t know the history of Fallout, a small paragraph. 236+ years in the past, around 2077, there was a 2 hour war that ravaged the entire face of the planet. Nuclear conflagration. Killed like 99% of everyone alive at the time. Now, in the USSA (The game world is an alternate world; it seems to have split from our own universe around the year 1950), they had a company called Vault-Tec that built around 200 vaults around the country, each of which could hold a large number of people in case of nuclear attack. Well, guess what. After some 236+ years after the bombs fell, you arrive from the depths of Vault 101, the descendant of those who were in it.  Washington D.C. (the area you play in, some 16 square miles of devastated, radiated ruin where the human stragglers struggle to survive in the destitute wasteland of the countryside) is a mess.

Now. In the museum, you come across the mock up, and it’s a good mock up of the entrance to  a vault, underground look and all, and they have a demo voice that speaks about the wonders of a Vault while the exhibits within light up, then there is the exit at the end, another mock up of exiting from deep underground from the wonders of a Vault.

At the end of it, after my skin was crawling while watching it, I had to role-play it (it being an computer role playing game and all). I had my avatar running back through the vault, imagining her holding her hands to her ears, tears falling from her eyes and chest so tight and hurting so bad it’s a wonder she doesn’t just die, blundering and screaming as she runs through it, then finding herself sobbing in a corner. So much time and effort and money these people spent on preparing for life AFTER an attack, they forgot to spend the time and money and effort to make sure there would never BE an attack. The broken wonders of these people all around, and for nothing.

And then pulling herself together and leaving the vault behind, wandering back through the broken and falling apart ruin of the building, and back out into the harsh sun falling on the crushedcity around her.

It still makes me cry.


November 15, 2008 Posted by | Bleakest Despair, Gaming, Our Amazing Universe | Leave a comment

Sony Makes A Very Solid Product

I was in my sewing/computer room with my oldest son and his two friends playing computer games (well, the three of them were playing together; I was at my desk at “working”), when from out in the living room came a CRASH SCRAPE THUDTHUD. As fast as I could make my way over 2 almost-teenage boys, I got into the living room and noticed with despair that

1) The cheap folding table that the kids had set up in front of the T.V. (they had played video games the night prior) was knocked over.

2) The Sony Playstation 3 that HAD been on top of the tablehad fallen down…

3) …onto the stone platform the propane fireplace is on (so as to not set the house on fire when it is working- it is a very efficient, very hot propane fireplace when it runs)

So the machine, a delicate computer-in-a-box that is the PS3 console, had fallen from a height of 3 feet, after sliding and arcing off the table and 4 feet to the side and CRASH THUDTHUD’ing onto the stone. The “SCRAPE” was the table hitting the carpet and folding.

Fearing the worst, I picked up the scraped PS3 and hooked it back up to the TV, turned it on… and the fucker still works! Amazing!

I love Sony, aside from their hideous habit of putting rootkits on people’s computers!!


September 23, 2007 Posted by | Bloviation, Computero, Gaming, Generalized Rambling | 1 Comment

I Am Become An Unbridled, Unstoppable Creature Of Hatred And Destruction

Actually, I just like that phrase 🙂 My latest gaming obsession has been “Two Worlds”, by Reality Pump*, a European game company. Toward the end of the game, my character was just unstoppable. A killing machine. It became my catchphrase- I was an unbridled, unstoppable creature of hatred and destruction.

Since I beat the game, I have uninstalled it and am now looking for my next gaming obsession.


*Fuck, this game rulez. If you play computer RPG’s at all, get this game. The graphics are better than anything  you have seen, the storyline is fascinating and compelling, the ending is way cool… Man.

July 20, 2007 Posted by | Gaming | 1 Comment

Things Are Fun.

Rudy’s getting over his illness (not his normal, terminal one- the cold type illness he had on top of this), i’m slowly starting to get over mine… we have both of our youngest staying with us because THEY are sickish, and rudy’s sister’s family (the ones that take care of our kids on a normal basis) are sick so that’s why they are staying with us. Which is good and bad- bad because neither Rudy or I are sleeping worth a damn because the young kids are staying with us 🙂 And good, because hey, we Have Our Kids Staying With Us!!!

See if the Opera Widget for the blog works below. I dunno what it does, but it’s some sort of widget for Opera 9.+. Click it and see! Sort of a feed reader type widget I hope.

I’ve been dloading a lot of PnP RPG’s for my oldest kid, Robbie. He wants to play, I sorta want  to learn and play… I have AD&D 2.0 real life books, and dloaded a ton of supplements and the 3.5 rules… I have a ton of Powers And Perils material, and about 2.5 gigs of Runequest 2.0 and 3.0 rules… Now we just need about 4.6 billion dice of various and sundry denominations.




January 26, 2007 Posted by | Bloviation, Gaming, Generalized Rambling | Leave a comment

Oh, And Another One. And another.

I know I can’t keep this up, but another MMORPG I have been testing is and it is pretty cool.  It’s a 2d game though, although characters and monsters are 3d polygonal objects.

Another is A3, and it’s ok, fully 3d but kinda… it looks cool, it plays ok, but it doesn’t have that chicka-bow chicka-bow-now that the others have.

Thought I’d fill y’all in.


Anne2Snakie’s Snake Swallowings Site

The Girl Flesh Forum

My Hopefully Spam Proof Email Address: anne2snakie AT yahoo DOT com

(I think you can figure out how to type that into the TO: line : ) )

November 26, 2006 Posted by | Computero, Gaming | Leave a comment

What Mama Snake Wastes Her Time Doing This Time

(instead of writing like she should).

Free MMORPG’s. Jesus.  That’d be an interesting mmo now wouldn’t it- set in ancient Judea… etc etc etc.

Anyway, I currently spend way too much time playing FLYFF and RAPPELZ (both from GPotato), and am evaluating a ton more. When I’m not doing that, I am playing console games. When not that, web surfing. When not that, computer games. When not that, taking care of Rudy. When not that… well, one day the writing will get done again. I’m getting a lot of it done in my head, anyway.


Anne2Snakie’s Snake Swallowings Site

The Girl Flesh Forum

My Hopefully Spam Proof Email Address: anne2snakie AT yahoo DOT com

(I think you can figure out how to type that into the TO: line : ) )

November 26, 2006 Posted by | Gaming, Generalized Rambling | Leave a comment